Chapter 4

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Nerezza POV

"I'm pissed off with that asshole." I say as we walk out of the school hand in hand with my now hot mate.

"What happened? I know he had to be Scarlett's mate but.." He says and I nod.

"He is, but the asshole rejected her." I say mad calming down a bit as Chase places his hand on my shoulders pulling me closer to him.

"Aren't wolf mates connected by a bond stronger than ours?" He asked and I nodded. He was right, wolf bonds were forever and cutting that bound was extremely painful up to the point they even wished they were mateless. Once that bound is broken I've heard of cases where the wolf becomes violent, some take their own life away and others just stop feeling emotions all together. Mate's like Chase and me, or any other species that have mates really, feel a strong pull towards each other and it does calm or mess with our emotions a bit, but it never physically or mentally ruin your life if you decid to sever that bond.

"I won't allow it, I'll do anything in my power and I swear that when I'm done he'll be down on his knees begging her to accept him." I say.

I'm sorry Scarlett.. I'll block you out for sometime because I don't want you hurting more by the things I'll do but I promise.. in the end you'll be together. I say to her before blocking her.

Are you sure? I hear Rebecca ask.

Yes. I say sure and I feel her nod in understanding. There aren't much people I like but whoever hurts those I do? I assure you if I can't kill them, I'll make their lives a living hell.

"Come on, the mall is not far from here." I say smiling at Chase who smiled back as we started walking there and it was almost like a first date for us, just happily hang out with no worries, enjoying each others company, buying new cloth for both of us. And then we went back to Rebecca's apartment.. I guess it's our apartment now.

There I was surprised when we got there 4 people stood in the front door.. I think these are Rebecca's friends.

"Hi?" I ask.

Don't just say hi! I hear Rebecca yell desperate.

Why? I ask.

You walked out on them without an explanation after this morning! Of course they're mad! Rebecca answered again making me let out an 'oh' in understanding.

"Hi? That's all you have to say?" One of the girls said.

Sara. Rebecca answers.

I think you should let me take over and explain.. She said making me sigh but do as told letting her take over.

"I'm sorry.. it's just, you know, Cole was hurting my wolf. Chase is an old fri-" She was cut off by Chase.

"Lover." He corrected making her chuckle.

"Right, seeing him again after so long and so many things happening it just.. made me snap." She explained.

"A pureblood is your old lover." One of the boys says sarcastically making Rebecca sigh.

"Yes, believe it or not. He's not so bad as long as you don't provoke him." Rebecca says.

"It's just.. it was so unlike you this morning to snap at your mate like that." I snarl as did Rebecca because of me.

"About that.. I.." She takes a deep breath.

"I actually have two personalities." This caused all of them to look at her strangely and I chuckle.

So this is gonna be your cover story? I ask her.

"What?" The other boy said.

"Yeah, before you met me I was very different because of things that happened in my past. When I moved here I wanted a new start and I wanted to change.. that's how this happened. When I get to my breaking point this side of me comes out.. and it'll be there for a while in order to protect my wolf from an ungrateful mate." Rebecca said answering that this was going to be her cover up for me.

"I really hope you understand." She said before letting me take over again and I look at all of them.

"So you're Rebecca's friends." I say causing their eyes to widen.

"You'll have to forgive my rudeness before, having someone take my guy away from me isn't something I appreciate." I say placing my hand on Chase's shoulder just to notice he still had all our bags.

"Shit sorry babe." I say taking out the keys from the pocket in these damn baggy jeans and open the door for all of us to walk in.

My room is the one at the end of the corridor. Rebecca says.

"The door of the end of the corridor babe." I say and he nods taking the bags to the room.

"So.. you're Rebecca's second personality?" One of them asked. 

That's Camila the guy she's clinging to is Brandon, the other girl is Sara and the one holding her hand is Aiden. Rebecca introduced as I nodded memorizing their names.

"Yes." I answer.

"You can say that." I say going to the kitchen and frown..

"I'll cook for you my queen, do any of you wish to eat something too?" Chase says as if sensing my hunger but knowing I have no cooking experience.

"Uh, sure?" Brandon says as I kiss Chase's cheek.

"You're a life saver." I say making him chuckle and kiss my nose.

"I also prepared your bath with warm water, you should go use it while it's warm." He says making me smile.

"You really are treating me like a queen." I say as he smiles with his eyes looking at me lovingly making me melt.

"Of course I am. You are my queen after all." He says letting his lips connect with mine for only a second before he pulled away and got to cooking.

"I love you." I say causing the 4 other people in the room to look at me wide eyes.

"I love you more." Chase says making me smile and skip to the bathroom to take a shower.

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