The Trip to a Foreign Land

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Mika (Kai's birth father)
   Kai looks as if she is about to cry.
Get. Out.
Kai shows her claws, and points to the door. Her dad walks out of the house, and teleports away. Kai hides her claws and canines, and grabs her clothes, a stuffed animal, some money, and stuffs it all into a bag. She walks downstaurs and leaves a note on the table letting her family know she wouldn't be there for a few days.
   At the docks, Kai stands next to Lady Aphmau and the girls. When Garroth directs the pilot of the boat next to the dock, Kai carries the girls on to the boat, and helps Lady Aphmau on board.
Kai, why is there a handprint on your face? What happened?
I can't lie to you... He was there. He slapped me.. I told him to leave... But...
Kai starts to cry.
I am so sorry, m'lady, you shouldn't have to see me like this.. If you'll excuse me..
Lady Aphmau grabs Kai's wrist, stopping her from leaving.
Kai, you know you can talk to me.. You've been there for me, and it's my turn to be there for you. When we get back, you will stay in one of the spare rooms at my house, and the rest of your family can stay in the other.
Lady Aphmau's warm smile lightens the mood.
T-thank you, Lady Aphmau..
Kai nods her head in respect, and walks toward where the storage is. She fills up her magic cup- a gift from a witch named Lucinda- with water. The cup purifies the water, and cleanses any negative emotions in the body, soul, and mind. Kai walks by a door, and hears a voice she recognizes. It was Gene, one of her father's knights. She listened in to their conversation.
She is on the ship, m'lord.  I can sense it.
Good. Kill her. Don't let her soul escape either. Burn it, so there is no chance of reincarnation.
Yes, m'lord.
Kai is frightened by the conversation, but shakes it off. She walks toward the girls, and hugs them. They were very sweet, and treated Kai like a second mother. Kai brings them into a room, underneath where Garroth stays on trips. Kai locks the door, as she noticed Gene walking up the stairs from the storage area.
What do you want to do? We can play tag, or something.
Tag! Tag!
Yeah! Tag!!
Kai tags Alina, and whispers something in her ear.
Alina runs up to the stairs leading to Garroth's room, and runs up the stairs. Kai tells Lillith to run up there too. As Lillith runs up the stairs, Kai looks out the window in the door, and Gene is at the door, looking around. Kai locks the door by the stairs, and grabs a nearby sword. The door bursts open, and Gene walks in. He unsheathes the sword from his side.
Kai.. Time.. To.. Die..

A/N: ahh i hope you enjoyed!! Please Vote, and comment!!

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