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*Warning: The following prologue  contains some morbid and offensive viewpoints from the character monologing along with some real shade. Proceed with caution*

Now onto the prologue.

Revenge is all we seek.

Revenge against the one responsible for taking the lives of the people we loved. Our oath of vengeance decrees that we rid the world of the evil one planning to destroy the Earth, who is oblivious to understand the real issue.

We have sworn to take the head of the Spade Queen.

Who are we to make this deadly oath? How does one know that our powers can punish her for her crimes against humanity and Earth itself?

We are the Outlaws. The 10 of us among the 43 children born on the same day, granted with powers that can help or harm. (However we Outlaws individually chose our own birthdays and ages. Why? Because we're savages.) Unlike most of them, our parents kept and raised us, since we were seen as blessings from the gods above. The other children born were unlucky, since another 10 of them got adopted by an egotistical billionaire, while the rest were either abandoned or given up for adoption. (Cyborg pulled up the files about the 10 adopted children. I'll view them later with him when I have the chance.)

Our lives with our loved ones were memorable.... at least until they died at the blade of the Spade Queen's scythe. Ever since then, we banded together as the Outlaws to become stronger with our powers and avenge our parents.

However, getting revenge is easier said than done. Especially since the children of the billionaire with an ego as big as Florida decide to get in the way. These assholes are the Umbrella Academy members, who apparently have nothing better to do apart from being annoying little pests.

Everytime we're doing something like a heist or committing arson, they just happen to interrupt and we have to engage in combat. (Trust me, there's more crimes we commit but that's not important right now.) We've been doing everything to make sure we do things quickly before the police or the Umbrella Academy arrive at the scene. (Even Cyborg's been messing with dispatch to detour the police so that's really helpful for our missions.)

But we don't let anything like interruptions stop us. As I have decreed, as leader of the Outlaws, we heed no authority because FUCK AUTHORITY. Not even the police or higher ranking stops us from defying the laws. The Umbrella Academy can learn to fuck off and leave us be, or we'll have to use homicide as a last resort.

"Jesus Christ-"

*German Screaming*

"Holy shit, don't scare me like that Invisible One! I'm in the middle of monologing! How long have you been standing there like that?"

"The entire time. I'll knock next time Fire Lord."

"You better. Now get yourself and the others ready, we have a busy schedule at the Museum tonight."

"Of course Fire Lord."

Ok the Invisible One is out of my room... where was I? Oh yes, I was ranting about the stupidity of the Umbrella Academy. How much time until we have to leave...? Ok I got at least a few minutes until we have to go.

Anyway, like us, the Umbrella Academy was among the 43 children born on the same day with powers. However as I mentioned earlier, they were given up by their parents and adopted by that billionaire. (Like seriously, he's just as stupid like his "children".) Why do we have a problem with these pricks you may ask? They decided to make up these lies that us Outlaws will be one of the causes of the apocalypse. 

It's clear these idiots don't know anything.

Our only goal is to take down the Spade Queen and avenge our loved ones that she killed. Once we take her head, we will leave and go reside in the Invisible Ones home of Canada out in the countryside, away from police, the Umbrella Academy, and the law, living out our lives in well deserved peace and quiet.

"Fire Lord are you ready to go? We're already getting in the White Van."

"I'll go with Robin Hood and his lambo with Ghosting, the Magician, and Colossal Titan. We'll meet you over there Katerinia."

"Ok then."

Are we the villains in all this?

Yes but actually no. But that's up to you to decide. In the end however, our actions have their consequences.

Hopefully tonight will have no major interruptions. If so, arson and combat will be used. Homicide is the last resort if it goes to far.

But for now, it's time for a midnight heist.

Hearts and Heroes Umbrella Academy: Tales of the Outlaws Where stories live. Discover now