Chapter 3: Memories of a Mother

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The following chapter dives into some lore of the Fire Lord's past. Keep in mind of the details in this chapter as it will provide more sense for the upcoming chapters.

And now to your regularluy scheduled chapter :)

Meanwhile back at the Hideout home of the Outlaws, the Fire Lord was standing on her balcony, gazing out into the distance. There was many things on Cleo's mind, as she sighed softly before her green eyes gazed upon her hands placed on the balcony ledge. Her hands that could create fire with a simple wave. Fire that could warm another person out of the feelings of passion and love. Fire that could destroy and consume everything and everyone in it's path. "Sometimes I just want to know why I have these powers...." Cleo thought to herself as she looked at her peach-skin colored hands.

"Is something bothering you Cleo?" Patricia asked as she joined her Outlaw leader on the balcony. Cleo glanced at her human cat friend before answering, "It's nothing Patricia." "If you say so," Patricia replied as her white cat tail swayed gently, "But just so you know, we're always here if you need us." "Thanks Patricia." Cleo said as she gently petted Patricia's head, while Patricia let out some soft purrs at being petted. (Yep that's definitely not weird at all-)

After a minute of petting Patricia, she poofed into her cat form and climbed down the balcony. Cleo sighed as she watched her friend leave before going back inside to her room. She sat on her queen sized bed that had red covers and white pillows before gazing at her brown dresser nearby. Cleo got up and went over to her dresser before opening a drawer.

Cleo hesitated for a moment, before gently placing her hand in and pulling out a charcoal burnt doll. This doll, was of one of the well known Umbrella Academy members that she idolized at a young age.

That Umbrella Academy member was Eight/Rose.

Cleo could recall the memories she held onto as she had did with her doll as a child.


She would play in the living room with her doll while the T.V played. Her mother, Lady Helen, would sit on the sofa next to her, watching her with the same green eyes as her daughter with a soft smile on her lips. "Hi there! I'm Cleopatra. But you can call me Cleo." The seven year old Cleo said as she happily held up the doll, given to her as a present from her mother on her birthday of April 16th. "It's nice to meet you Cleo. I'm Eight by my Umbrella Academy friends, but you can call me Rose." Cleo said as an attempt to mimick the doll's voice.

Lady Helen smiled as she watched her daughter before the T.V screen caught her attention. "Greetings ladies and gentlemen of the public, I am the billionaire, Mark Edward Fischbach. I have adopted 12 of the 43 children born on the same day with unique, extrodanary abilities." The man on the T.V said as the screen displayed the 12 young Umbrella Academy members outside the mansion that was crowded with news reporters, bystanders, and cheering fans holding signs.

"These children here," Mark said as he gazed at the crowd, "Are more than just possessing abilities. They are heroes that will use their powers for the good of society." Cleo gazed at the T.V while holding onto her doll in curiosity. "Ladies and Gentlemen of the public, I give you, the Umbrella Academy!" Mark said as the crowd cheered. Cleo and her mother watched as the Umbrella Academy members were then introduced individually to the crowd.

Cleo's eyes drifted away from T.V in uninterested boredom before her attention was caught again by the T.V. The T.V displayed Eight as Mark introduced her to the public. However Cleo wasn't paying attention to what was being said, as she noted all of Eight's beautiful features. "Imma marry her one day Mama." Cleo said as the T.V program finished playing before Lady Helen turned off the T.V. (How be be Ultra Gay 101-)

Lady Helen giggled softly as she picked up her daughter off the floor. "And how many grandchildren will I get to have?" Lady Helen asked as she carried her daughter to her bedroom. "Maybe 3 or so." Cleo said as she held her doll, "Two girls and one boy. We can come visit every holiday and have fun together. Oh! And you can also live with us if you want!" (This is so wholesome-)

Lady Helen smiled at her daughter's adorableness as she entered her room and set her daughter on her bed. "Time for bed sweetie." Lady Helen said as she put the blanket over Cleo. "But Mama, I'm not tired!" Cleo said in protest. Lady Helen thought for a moment before an idea came to her. "Will you go to sleep if I sing you a lullaby?" Lady Helen asked as she gazed at her daughter. Cleo glanced at her mother before she nodded her head.

Lady Helen smiled as she tucked Cleo into bed before she began to sing her lullaby.

"Where the Northwind,
Meets the sea,
There's a River,
Full of memory.
Sleep my darling safe and sound,
For in this River,
All is Found."

Cleo's eyelids began to droop as she was getting sleepy, but fought to stay awake as she listened to her mother sing.

"In Her waters,
Deep and true,
Lie the Answers,
And a Path for you,
Dive down deep into Her sound,
But not to far,
Or you'll be Drowned."

Cleo yawned as she rubbed her eyes, with her tiredness taking effect. Her doll was next to her as Cleo continued to listen.

"Yes She will sing to those who hear,
And in Her song,
All Magic flows,
But can you brave what you most fear?
Can you face,
What the River knows?"

Cleo was close to falling asleep as she gently hugged her doll. She glanced up at her mother as she sang.

"Where the Northwind,
Meets the Sea,
There's a Mother,
Full of Memory,
Come my darling Homeward bound,
When All is Lost,
Then All is Found."

(Song is All is Found from Frozen 2)

Cleo drifted off to sleep as Lady Helen finished her lullaby. Her mother kissed her goodnight before she quietly left her bedroom.

*End of Flashback*

"There's a robbery happening at the jewelry store near the strip club." Samuel called out as his computer screen had a map layout of the area pulled up. Cleo quickly put the doll back in the drawer and closed it, before rushing over to where the others were gathered around Samuel and his large computer screen. The area of where the jewelry store was had a red flashing light on it, while a blue and pink dot was going towards the red dot together.

"Both the Invisible One and the Bard are going towards the jewelry store." Big Boi signed. "But why though? Why not let the Asshats take care of that?" Hercules asked as he looked at the screen. "I think they might be trying to stop the robbery." Melissa said, before Samuel attempted to use his communicator to contact both Outlaws going to the scene.

"Invisible One, Bard, come in." Samuel spoke, "What are you two doing?....Hello? Is anyone there?" After a moment of no response, Samuel spoke, "They're not picking up. Either something happened to the both of them, or they both turned off their communicators." This announcement sent the other Outlaws into a panic, involving a debate about whether or not they should go over to the scene.

After a moment, Cleo seized the debate by using her power to set everything on fire before everyone stopped with fear in their eyes as they looked at their leader. Once everyone was silent, Cleo put the fire out with a wave of her hand. "Now that I have your attention," Cleo said as she cleared her throat, "Robin Hood, Karate, I'm sending the both of you to the scene to find the Invisible One and the Bard. Keep your communicators on so you two can report on what's happening. Now go."

Both boys nodded before they quickly got into their Outlaw outfits and sped off in the Lambo towards the scene. As Robin Hood drove, both he and Karate held the same thought.

"We're coming Yael and Demeter. Please be ok."

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