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By age 10 she knew her life would be bittersweet.  She cried too much, sometimes at things that shouldn't make you cry. Other times she didn't cry at all even at the things that would make the average individual reek of worry. But on March eighth 2012,  life was cut . Her world was flatten, She never stopped crying since...
They say the death of a parent will always hurt. She thought that saying was for adults and she wasn't an adult. She was thirteen, gentle, young and innocent .Her relationship with god became fade, complicated and estranged, feeling as though the heavenly father screwed her over taking her father right when she needed him most.
Her prime years, when boys and shitty people come into play. She learned pain early and she sought victory slow questioning the present events taking place in front of her. She questioned everything, from the movements of the lord to the people and loved ones around her... she trusted nothing and no one. That next year 2013 she graduated 8th grade but before any graduation she needed to graduate from the void in her head.. Her father was captain , base, her first love and the center of her exact existence. She knew who she was because she saw it within him everyday. She endured hell but if you look into her eyes today you can still see heaven.

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