The First Test

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Two personnel walked into the room with their usual protective suits on. One was carrying a folded table with the other close behind, a filing folder and pencil in her arms.

"Good afternoon, D-54," she said, turning to him. "Are you ready for the test?"

"I'm not too excited since I have no idea what it's about, but it's something to do. I don't get a lot of that."

She laughed slightly. "Right, right."

The testing materials were placed on the now unfolded table.

"Well," she continued, "I hope you have fun. See you later."

As the two left, the lights in the room were dimmed. The announcer from last night came back over the speaker.

"D-54, are you ready to begin?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Alright. Make your way to the table and open the folder."

D-5448 laughed. "Dang, I don't even get a 'please'?"

"Just do it."

"Fine," he sighed. There went his optimism.

He stepped slowly towards the table and opened the file. Inside were papers, one lined and another pictured.

"Alright," he began, "I did it."

"Take the papers out."

He did so and spread them across the table in a way that allowed him to see all of them at once.

"Mhmm, got that."

"Now, please interpret the pages with the pictures to the best of your ability. Write down what you think it says on the lined paper. Remember, it is an SCP."

"Sure thing."

He looked at the paper carefully, trying his best to figure out what it meant. The most important thing seemed like the item number, always at the top of the paper. However, at the top of this one, there was only a series of bullets separated by thin lines. What could this mean? Maybe it was the number of bullets between each line, he reasoned, that had to be it. He began writing.

Item number: 2521

Well, he made it that far. It was a good thing that he was slightly educated on SCP files, or he would be fucked for this. The next subject was usually the object class. In its place was a broken lock with the letter K on it. The only thing that could be was...

Item class: Keter

Keter class, huh? He wished he could learn about SCPs other than the Keter class. Whatever. The next section was always the...

Special Containment Procedures:

The pictures didn't really show any kind of containment, just a creature with a heart on its face pointing to various things, some with checks over them and others crossed out. It took a few good minutes, but he finally came up with a reasonable interpretation.

Information on SCP-2521 is only to be shown through pictures. No other media, such as speech, text, or a written copy are recommended.

That was just wonderful, he was making a written copy right now.

The drawn versions of files are not to be accessed my class 0, 1, 2, or 3 personnel, but can be viewed by those of class 4 or higher.

Lights flickered. Darkness. He felt a presence behind him. He wanted to turn around to see what it was, but some kind of force made him clutch the pencil even tighter. The force didn't want him to stop. Keep writing.


There was a chart. A figure next to a human form. Some smaller bubbles to the side. He wanted to look behind himself so badly. No. Don't do it. Not yet.

SCP-2521 is taller than the average human male by about one and a half feet. The arms of the creature are streamer-like and this material seems to be draped along other parts of the body as well. The most prominent area of these would be the head and hands.

Jesus Christ. The adrenaline was pumping. There was definitely something behind him, it was undeniable. But the test seemed so enchanting, he felt like it had to be completed. He pushed on.

A picture of a cell. The creature was phasing through a wall of it. Human figure was surprised.

It is capable of passing through any solid object, so reliable containment is impossible.

Just a bit further. Almost done. The presence was getting closer, he had to hurry.
Creature. Thought bubbles. Check by speech and writing. X by the pictures. He already knew what it meant.

Although it doesn't understand any form of artwork, SCP-2521 has been shown to fully respond to speech and writing about itself.

The presence was so close. It was touching him. He couldn't finish this.

He spun around to see it.

The creature.

It was there.

Exactly as described.

He stumbled back from shock, landing with his back on a wall. He didn't take his eyes off of the thing. It wasn't out of fear, per say. Interest.

The tentacles extended. It grabbed the paper and lifted it up. That creature, even though it's face wasn't there, seemed overfilled with joy at the sight of D-148's document. It pulled it into a tight embrace.

Seconds later, it was gone.

The lights came on.

He was still breathing heavily.

The personnel rushed in.

"I saw what happened over the video surveillance, are you alright?" the woman in the protective suit inquired immediately.

His breathing eventually slowed to a normal pace. His expression fell to one of neutrality. Seconds later, it was replaced by a wide grin. He laughed, not a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"Never better."

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