Chapter 6- Seaing the truth

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"Hey Pris!!! Girl why didn't you call me this morning I was super worried about you!" Kris said, or more like yelled. I was in her room laying down trying to recover from what happened just a few moments ago......

Flashback to two hours earlier

I stared after him, dazed and confused suddenly aware that I was in his room.  He looked down at me leaning in closer and closer until our lips were only an inch apart, then a thunderstorm suddenly appeared, making me turn my head towards the window. Even without looking at him I knew his eyes, those ocean blue eyes, were dark and intense.

"Crap, Chris " He muttered under his breath while I tried to recover from what just happened. I knew he was responsible for everything that has happened and I feel stupid for not connecting things earlier.

"You're Poseidon" I whispered under my breath.

"What?" He looked at me alarmed

"You're the Greek god, the one who control the seas and the storms."

He paled, realizing I wasn't under his trance anymore.

Then I did the most rational thing I could think of.

I ran.

"Hello?! Earth to Pris?!"

"Im sorry Kris it's just been a complicated morning" I offered her a fake smile but she didn't buy my bull crap.

"You got drunk at the party, stayed with Mr. Hunk and you tell me y'all did absolutely nothing ?!! Not even a tiny kiss?!!"

" i thought I went home with you!" I exclaimed, " and anyways it's not like he will ever look at me that way, he's way out of my league, like we will ever happen."

" but the way he looks at you, it's bizarre I've never felt such tension in my life" she said, while winking at me.

"Oh such up K, you and Chris have even more chemistry, especially since you spend half your day talking about how great he must be—-"


I glanced down at my phone and a single message showed up, one that I didn't yet know would change my life forever.

"Meet me at the cliffs my gynaíka, it's time you learn who you are."

Sorry for not posting i haven't really had much ideas lately hope to update much more soon!

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