✴Stalker- Xiaojun

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Psycho imagine
     Rated 18


"Are you sure you are okay walking home all by yourself? I mean I can walk you to your house you know?" My coworker Sicheng asked worried looking at me.

It's currently eleven o'clock at night and all the streets were empty making the town look abandoned. Our shift ends at ten but stayed back since the boss plead us to, since he can't close up the shop because he was "busy".

"Jihee, how about you ask your brother to pick you up?" I shook my head as a no.

"My brother is probably asleep right now, and I don't want to wake him up." I said grabbing my stuff heading towards the door.

I know for a fact that he's sleeping because he worked the whole day today since 5 in the morning.

"How ab-" He was speaking but I cut him off. "I'm going to be okay Sicheng, don't worry to much. It's just a five minute walk."

He stared at me for a while before nodding his head as a okay. "Fine, but you have to call me immediately when you get home, so I know that you're safe."

"Okay dad." I said chuckling as I waved him goodbye.


Oh my god it's cold out here.

I walked through the street and saw construction workers up ahead. "Sorry miss you can't go through here." A guy said pointing at the broken sidewalk being constructed.

"But this wasn't here this morning and this is the only way to my house."

He just shrugged looking at me. "We started this morning ma'am and there is actually another way."

I raised my eyebrow crossing my arms. "Where?" I asked.

"Just go around that building and that will lead you to the other side of the construction." I just sighed looking at the building.

What the actual hell? That building is abandoned and it's all broken down.

"So you're telling me to go through that alleyway right next to that creepy abandoned building at night?" Is he stupid? What kind of person would even go through there in the dark?

"Sorry ma'am, but that's the only way. Unless you want to wait here until our shift is over." He said with a bit of annoyance.

"And when does that end?" He just stare at me with a blank expression. "About two more hours." My eyes widen at his response.

"Two hours?! What kind of bulldogs is this?"

"Just doing my job ma'am and I know that it's bulldogs. Like I'm supposed to be with my wife (y/n) at home!"

I was about to say something but I was interrupted. "Johnny get back to work!" A guy yelled at him.

" Okay Taeil hyung!" He turned back to me and pursed his lips together. "Looks like I have to go." He said heading towards the construction.

Great just great. Guess I don't have any other way.

I walked to the alleyway and shit it's dark.
"If I die I'm suing him." I mumbled under my breath.

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