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Lelia pov:

I walk down the warm hall on a rainy day in Seattle. They were all rainy days but maybe one or 2 were sunny but they were rare. My suitcase was heavy and cold as well as my yellow canvas backpack. I stop for a moment to check if I had any chocolate on my face from breakfast, but I could see the sadness creeping in from the corners.  you see exactly five days apart from me and my best friend Vivian had gotten acceptance letters fro Eden-wood school of magic. we were thrilled but the school was in London but we had to take an 11-hour flight to Scotland and then a 2-hour train ride to the school in a rural forest in England.  because this was so long and expensive we couldn't come back for Christmas or Thanksgiving, so we would have to stay there for nearly all year and come home for the summer holidays.

I hear the hallway phone ring and I go to answer it. taking a little longer than normal because of my heavy bag. when I pick up I hear vivant voice

" Hello... um Lelia you there "

" yes I'm here Vivian "

"I don't know if I can do this, what if I fail my classes or what if the plane crashes or we miss our train"

" it will be okay, I will be there to pick you up in 15 minutes "

I go to the stairs and drag my case down the steps with me. I see my mom and dad sitting at the table fighting. I hope it isn't about me, I think it is, as I get closer I can hear them

"I don't want her to leave"

" do you want her recking the house with her untrained magic"

I couldn't take this anymore I made my footsteps loud and prominent so they would hear me and stop fighting.

" We need to leave now if we watt get to Vivian's house on time "

" Okay honey we can leave in a few minutes "

*15 minutes later *

I walk up to Vivans door and knock, her mother Karen opens up the door hello sweety. her eyes were red, she had clearly been crying over Vivian going away. I wish my parents would cry over me I thought to myself self but instead, they argue. her mother greets me with a smile and bows he nose she motions for me to come in so I step n there home I see her farther Chad, he waves t me and pulls me into a hug. he has always been like a second father to me. this blue cape cod home just a few miles away from mine.

I met Vivian when we were only 4 years old and we both just turned 10. I say hello to both her parents and run up to vivans room she had a pink door with her name painted on the top of it i knock on the door

" come in "I hear through the door. I walk-in to her room and see her bags sitting near her door and her sitting on her bed. I walk across her dark wooden floor and sit next to her on her bed. she had a sad look on her face but excited eyes,

" you ready to go "I say with a soft voice

" yep "

she bounces off her bed and starts dancing around.

"let's go "

"Vivian, bags"

" yep "

she turns around and attempts to lift her bag after she struggles a bit I go to help her and we each lift one side, and wobble over to the stairs, we put the suitcase long side down and slide it down the small flight of stairs. after the case has made it safely down the stairs we start going down the steps, Vivian hugs her mom and her dad

" promise you will writ us every day "

" Okay mom"

" and eat healthily "

" okay "

" and Lelia keep her out of trouble "

"I will Mr. and mrs gold "

" love you girls "

" love you too " we both say in sync

we walk out the front door and open out umbrella, my dad had gotten her suitcase up with ease. we both climb in the back seat of my car and close the door, we sat next to eachother geussing things about Eden-wood, we honestly had no clue but we hoped for the best, in the ledder it said they split up the group and a quiz determens if yu are in group one, two ,three , four, or five. we didnt know what each group was about but we knew that we didnt want to be split up, we did not want to be in seaprat coradors. o maby buildings. before we knew it we were at the airport, my parents walked us both in an helped us with our bags and bring them to claim. then they left, i could see them fighting but that was for a diffrent time. we were on our way to eden-wood school of magic

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