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as I boarded the plane I was greeted by one flight attendant and handed a bottle of water by the other. I mutter thanks and hold up my ticket. to see my seat number mine and Vivian's seats are next to each other I look at mine D4 and hers is E4. we all back to our seats and I quickly dose off after such a long day I feel like I needed a nap more than anything, what feels like a few minutes is actually 11 hours, guess I was more tired than I thought. we grab our things and pack them up, as the plane lands it bumps up and the slight thud goes through the plane. I stand up when it is my turn and walk towards the front.  everything feels different here but I call in for a taxi to take us to the station. we wait for around 15 minutes and then we see it arrive, we get in the back with all our bags and head to the station we get there and can see our own breath it was cold there, we walk to the doors and open them slowly. I grab our tickets and check the gates and, platform 11 privet passengers to Eden-wood school of magic. I walk around with Vivian's hand in mine so we don't get lost form each other. And look at the tv screen showing the platforms and where they are, I look down the list and find eleven the train departed at 12:00. I go to check my watch, it is 11:45. I check where the map says it is and tug Vivian's arm. she coms along compliantly and walks with me. I had memorized the directions 2 lefts and one right and we would be at platform eleven Eden-wood school of magi privet passengers only. a few minutes later we arrive there by now it is 11:55 so we sit on one of the benches at the platform the bench was cold like no one had sat there in ages. but coldness aside I was exhausted, I hear a ding, my phone had one message from mom call me. It reads I ring the phone button and the phone begins to ring. I can hear the ringing sound and when it stops my mom's voice 

" did you get to the platform okay "

" yeah mom we did  "

" and how was your flight"

" It was fine I slept through most of it "

" that's great you needed to catch up on sleep, I and your dad were fighting again "

"Are you both okay. What happened "

" oh nothing he was just worried about you and Vivian flying again "

" like this morning "

"I didn't know you heard that "

"I have to go I can see the train "

" okay bye I love you "

" love you too mom "

I can see the dark blue steam train coming, I had a dim orange light that felt soothing as the rainfall began to trickle down the sides of the station ceiling. we walk towards the train and greet the man checking tickets, he checks both of ours and lets us by. we walk on to the train and see that same light but slightly brighter and bolder. it had no obvious source but just like magic, it was there. we go into one of the compartments and sit down together. 2 other girls looking to be our age come in with us and introduce themselves one ha dark blonde hair and greenish-blue eyes. and a pale skin tone. the other had black hair but vibrantly blue eyes and a dark skin tone her skin was flawless and made her eyes pop. 

" hi I am Cassandra but you can call me cassie," the blond one said revealing perfect teeth 

" and I am Alex the other girl said " 

"I am Lelia and this is Vivian "

" Is this your first or second year here "

"it's our first "

" ours to " 

we kept talking to each other for hours till around three hours have passed and we hear the train bell go off, we were arriving at the building. all four of us grab our bags from the top shelf and walk out into the hall. of the school the front doors into the dining hall anre heavy but a few kids toghter get them open. everyone floods into a table-less room and 5 professors 3 girls 2 boys. 

" sit children, " the woman in the middle says with force and respect everyone sits down on the floor sitting with our legs crossed  

" hello first-year students I am Mrs. Koons welcome to Eden-wood school of magic. we all hope you enjoy your year here and you make this feel like your home. girls your uniforms are in the bins behind me and boys yours are behind Mr. Allard grab one shirt, one skirt, one pair of pants, one set of socks, and 2 pairs of shoes. the rest of the things you will need are going to be in your room. please sit down and enjoy the dinner "

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