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I am pretty nervous. I'm on my way to camp, but I don't know, with whom I am going to share a tent... When I arrive I see everyone already paired up. Just have to calm down. It's the second time I am going to this camp, so I know few people. Someone has to be available, right?

"Hi!" I hear right behind me, so I turn and there is my friend Marry. I don't see anyone around her, so I asked : "Hey, are you already paired with someone?"-"No, do you wanna pair up?" And even though I thought this was clear I was happy she wanted to be my kind of roommate.

Now I wasn't freaking out. I had a roommate, a great group of my friends and this year I was finally old enough to have a program for older kids! So I had two weeks of excitement to go...what could go wrong, right?

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