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Bang bang......we heard the next morning. I already knew how much I was going to hate this sound. This was the annoying sound of the bell, which was supposed to call everyone to the center of the camp. But it was also used to wake everyone up and (and this is the worst part) you had like one minute to get up and go to morning warm up. You don't even have time to go to the toilet before it...and if you're, you have to do extra pushups for every second you were late...

So yea, I hated the sound of the bell, but it was nothing compared to what was coming...

The next part of the day were some games, lunch, games, dinner... And this endless circle was going on for a week. I didn't enjoy it very much. I was looking forward to this camp, but it is just so similar to the last one. Nothing changed and every day is the same. It is getting really boring... I would love to go home already...

The middle of the camp - time for a three-days-trip. I am so looking forward to this. Usually they go just for two days, but this year they made it three. It is my first-few-days trip on this camp, the younger ones can't go and this year I am finally old enough to go.

"Hey Brooke, could you please give me the smaller backpack?" I asked my sister, who comes to this camp as well. "No, I called it first, you have the big one." - "Come on, I am much smaller than you..." - "I don't care, your problem."

So I didn't have much of a choice, than have the giant backpack. You probably don't get the issue. This is my fathers backpack, heś really tall and this bag is XXL size. I am about half as small as my father, for whom this backpack is still a little big.

But I don't have much of a choice, do I? So I go to my tent and pack three T-shirts, a big bottle of water, swimsuit and towel (on these trips they usually go to a pool at the end), flashlight, mat, sleeping mat...normal trip stuff.

Then the leaders called us with that annoying bell. I don't think this trip should be that hard, right? The bag is like half empty... "So create groups of about five people, you'll get one sail per one group and bags with food. Every group will get one whole bread, some pate and melted cheese, couscous, pesto...and each person will get an apple, bun and candybar."

Great, apple. It is not like I don't like them or anything, I just can't eat them, because i have bracelets. So I have to go for something special for me as a replacement for the apple...

When we created the group and got those supplies, we tried to fairly divide it. But most of the girls had their backpack so full,you could see it was close to rip. So almost everything was put in my backpack. It wasn't half empty anymore. In fact it was as full as possible. And hella heavy.

But that it was heavy wasn't the worst part. As I said earlier, the backpack was gigantic. The straps that are supposed to go over your shoulders were a few inches wider than my shoulders, so I had to hold it and push them towards each other, so it wouldn't fall down. And the strap around the waist was so loose that there was no purpose of trying to use it.

"It's great, I have to hold it like an idiot the whole time," I thought. The heaviest of all was water, the bread and the sail, which is used as shelter for the whole group, but it isn't possible to split it, so the one with the biggest backpack carries it...unfortunately that's me...

"So let's go!"

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