13 1 0

"Ok, everyone go with your roommate and pick a tent," said the camp leader. And pretty much everybody started running and checking every tent, because obviously you wanted the best one possible. And it is actually harder than it may seem at first.

Those tents were very specific. The bottom part was like five times five feet large, high about two or three feet. There were two beds, but not that comfortable kind you have at home. This was basically just a long plank across the space with some other planks put on top leaning on the wall like feet from the ground. And from this wooden platform was on iron structure sail.

But these tents have been used so many times, the structure isn't always staying together, or the small door can't be opened or worse, stay shut. Those fragile beds tend to fall down. Or the sail has holes in it.

So when you don't want to deal with any of these issues , you have to be really fast and know what mistakes you are looking for, when you want to avoid getting a bad tent. Because I already knew what to look for, we picked a pretty ok one.

I put my mat on the planks that were supposed to be the bed, and then I unpacked stuff that I wanted to have easy access, if I was in a rush. Then I slided my suitcase under the bed and I headed to the afternoon program. I so don't want to go. I don't like this getting-to-know-you games.

"Alright! Everybody sits in a big circle and everyone will say his name and something about himself," as I hear my leader say this, I can't help myself and I roll my eyes. Comon, we basically see each other every Sunday at church. It's not like we don't know each others name. But I swallow this comment and I quietly sit down and wait for my turn.

"Hi, I am Anne Lewis, I am thirteen years old, and I like...I don't know...drawing,"I said, when after like forever it was finally my turn. The drawing part is true, but it isn't at the same time. I don't mind it, but I don't love it eathier. I just said it, because that is what every girl is saying at these types of getting-to-knw-each-other games.

Then there was dinner and finally some advantages of being in the older part of kids, I have an evening program. We played some games and then we went to this big water barrel with a tap, because there wasn't any water nearby, so the leaders had to ride to the closest village to pump some water in these barrels, so we can drink and brush our teeth. Forget shower! We washed a few times a week in a river, but I kinda love this part.

We weren't washing all together. Girls and boys were separated, so the "shower" included a lot of little girls screaming how the water is cold. But I always went as fast as possible compleatly under water, so then it didn't feel so cold and I didn't mind others splashing water towards me. That can be kinda shocking, when you aren't expecting it to be this cold.

On top of it, we could go only when the weather was hot, it wasn't raining or something like that, plus older girls could't wash every time, because of their "girl problems".


So anyway, we went to this barrel and brushed our teeth and then we talked in a tent almost all night. Even though we knew we were going to regret it in the morning...

SoundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora