➻ The Everlasting Family

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➻ Beam and Butterfly are cousins who act more like sisters. In fact, their bond is probably stronger than most sisters out there. Beam is very protective of her little adventurer and constantly worries about her when she and her family are out on trips like camping, hiking or fishing. Butterfly looks up to her older cousin and would often show her off to other people.

Nicholas Everlasting

➻ Beam's Father
➻ Job: Magazine Editor
➻ Voice: Cardlin from CardlinAudios.

A very loving but workaholic father. He is almost always at work so he barely has enough time for his family. Beam and her mother understands this and as long as he's taking care of himself, they're okay with it. Nicholas is more laid back than strict. He loves spoiling Beam while his wife Carolyn is the one who disciplines her.

Carolyn Robbins

➻ Beam's Mother
➻ Job: Professional Makeup Artist
➻ Voice: Maya Rudolph as Aunt Cass from Big Hero 6.

Unlike Nicholas, Carolyn has plenty of time for her family, especially for her only daughter. She's the strict parent. She only limits Beam on a few things like how long she can stay out or which people she should be friends with. People say that thanks to her, Beam didn't become a spoiled brat. Carolyn and Nicholas actually work well together as parents and husband and wife.

Nick Warren Everlasting

➻ Butterfly's Father
➻ Job: Businessman
➻ Voice: Tom Scharpling as Greg Universe from Steven Universe.

Nick is the older brother of Nicholas but Nicholas got married before him. As a brother, he's very laidback and fun and as a father...well...actually, it's the same really. If not, even more. Nick adores young people and their energy so he often enjoys spending time with kids, especially his one and only daughter. Even with his busy schedule as a businessman, he still finds the time for his family.

Sussana Hamilton

➻ Butterfly's Mother
➻ Job: Woodcarver
➻ Voice: Laura Bailey as Lucina from Fire Emblem: Awakening.

(Timestamp: 0:33)

Sussana is a calm and collected woman. She works at home so she can keep an eye on her daughter. She's not very strict but she will still lay down a few rules here and there. When she sees her husband and daughter bonding, she always watches with a warm and loving smile on her face, proud to have such a fun and lively family.

Natalie Jeanne Everlasting

➻ Aunt
➻ Job: Fashion Designer
➻ Voice: Deedee Magno as Pearl from Steven Universe.

Very sassy, incredibly fashionable and absolutely loving as an aunt. Natalie is the older sister of Nick and Nicholas and she loves taking care of her nieces for them. She spoils Beam and Butterfly to no end and is always warm and welcoming when it comes to them. As a woman with no husband or children, she has plenty of time for her nieces and her work. She loves having her two favorite girls stay over at her place and her favorite thing to do on her spare time is make clothes for them.

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