Drift away (Chapter 4)

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(Hey guys Mimi here! Um idk what to put I just wanted to say...What do you guys think of the new cover? COMMENT BELOW YEET IF YOU LIKE IT OR BEETS IF YOU DON'T ANY CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM IS WANTED!!!)

"W-what?", Eduardo whispered to Jon. "...Just...JUST...JUST GET AWAY FROM ME!!", Jon yelled to Eduardo. Jon suddenly ran into the house and down to the basement where the teleportation device is.

(A/n: In this au "The End" never happened so Eduardo and Edd still have their houses and because Edd has a second floor I imagined Eduardo would have a basement okie? Good.)

"Jon wait! I want to talk!", Eduardo shouted to Jon chasing him down into the basement. "Huff, Huff, Jon...come on. They'll be fine...okay..? Huff...please Jon...its...okay.", Eduardo says calmly and out of breath while he reaches his hand out to Jon. "...Errghhhh...NO!!!", Jon yells at Eduardo while snapping his head towards him with tears in his eyes, the teleportation device suddenly activates. Sending Jon and Eduardo to the planet where Jon was left.

(1 and a half minutes later)

Jon looks around examining the planet he was on just a few hours ago gasping at how much he was able to really examine realizing this wasn't any planet...but it was his and Eduardos. The planet WAS once flourishing with life, many dead garden beds were spread around, old and rusty playgroud-esk equipment was sitting there not having been touched in years, then Eduardo saw something that made him nearly collapse into the cracked and dirty pavment...there were deep feet impressions indented in the dead grassy dirt. 'This is where he was...just standing there all these years...why didn't I just come and look here...I could have saved him from his rage...his hurt...why oh WHY DIDN'T I COME HERE?!', Eduardo screamed in his head metaly puching himself in the nose for his idiocy. "Heh...this was our garden...a special place inhabited by just you and I..", Jon said looking down, "We would come here and play for hours...everyday was SO MUCH FUN!", Jon said his tears pouring down his face as he clenched his eyes shut. "At least...thats what I thought how it would stay...", Jon said then turning his head towards to Eduardo his eyes slightly widening when he saw Eduardo lightly crying aswell.

Music is starting now
Jon singing
Description of whats going on

Here in the garden, lets play a game! We'll show you how its done...here in the garden, stand very still. This'll be so much fun! And then they smiled...thats what I'm after! The smiles in their eyes...the sound of their laughter...happy to listen, happy to play, happily watching them drift away. Jon stared at the cracked and dry concrete tears pricking his eyes. Happily waiting...all on my own..under the endless sky, counting the seconds, standing alone...as plenty of years go by, happily wondering night after night 'Is this how it works? Am I doing it right?' Happy to listen, happy to stay, happily watching them drift away...You keep on turning pages! For people who don't care, people who dont care about you. AND STILL IT TAKES YOU AGES!! Jon clenches his eyes holding back tears. To see that no ones there! See that no ones there! See that no ones there...eveyones gone on...without...YOU...finnaly something...finnaly news...about how this story ends...I dont exist now...survived by no one...and none of my best friends...ISN'T THAT LOVELY!! ISN'T THAT COOL?! AND ISN'T THAT CRUEL, AND AREN'T I A FOOL TO HAVE...HAPPILY LISTENED! HAPPILY STAYED!? Happily watching them drift..drift...DRIFT~...away. Tears began to fall from Jon's eyes.


Jon suddenly feels a tight embrace from behind. "E-Eduardo..? What are you doing?", Jon said confused. (Jon hasn't experienced embrace and comfort while on Eduardo and his planet.) "...I've really...REALLY...missed you Jon...I'm sorry I didn't come look here all those years...", Eduardo said with sadness in his voice. "...Please come back...", Eduardo whispered. "...Why...what are you doing this for...?", Jon responded squirming in Eduardo's embrace. Jon was uncomfortable and unbelieving of Eduardo's words.

(Omfg this chapter succs 29399202749147 nutz at once AND I HATE IT UGGHHHHH KILL ME!!!!)

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