Please... (Chapter 5)

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(A/N im sorry I haven't made a new chapter! I've been the loser that I am and haven't really used my brain...also my connection is noods. Also their will be mild swearing)

Eduardo's p.o.v.

I looked at Jon and I was getting worried about him, I finnaly took note of how he looked other than being in his monster form. Jon was thin but not where you could see his bones he just lost a lot of weight, he also didn't have a normal monster tail is was like the tail thing you would see on a cartoon ghost, Jon's claws were also strange; they were sharp and thin unlike most claws that are either thin and dull or wide and sharp but Jon's were unique and I thought they were nice. "Jon...why don't you want me to hug you?", I said worried for my crush. "...It makes me feel...strange...and all tingly and stuff...", Jon said now feeling annoyed with himself. Jon went over to one of the dead flower beds and looking down at it.

Jon's p.o.v.

I looked down at one of the flower beds, all the flowers were dead the wood holding in the dirt was rotting I lightly nugged a bit of the wood with my foot and the wood crumbled into a pile. I picked up one of the flowers carefully with both of my hands and blew on it it then turned to many pieces and blew away. "...How are they...?", I said to Eduardo. "Who?", Eduardo said confused. "Mark, Laurel, and Todd (I just realized he exists). How are they?", I said glancing at Eduardo. "Their...fine I guess. Mark and Laurel go out a lot, and Todd still keeps to himself a bunch...why?", Eduardo said to me. "I'm not sure...", I said...

(Time skip because idk what to put in the middle)

Still Jon's p.o.v

"You can stay with us your room hasn't changed a whole bunch exept some of your stuff is either 'donated' or in my room. I'll go get some of the stuff in my room thats yours I'll be right back okay?", Eduardo said to me. "...Sure...", I whispered in reponse. Eduardo walked out of my almost empty room. "S-So how d-did you find out? I-If you d-don't mind t-t-telling m-me...", Todd sputtered out to me. "Oh well on me and Eduardo's garden planet we had a few ways to contact each other if one of us was sick or couldn't be with the other. A universal call was made and one of the ways of contact was connected to it. It was from Laurel and Mark mocking me and Eduardo saying they were so happy that I was gone and that Eduardo was pretty much worthless and that they didn't care about what could happen to him. I was furious so I got into one of the buggys that was on the planet and rode to earth. And the way I got my hands on the power sythe was it was in the buggy and you pretty much know what happens next.", I explained to Todd. "O-oh...o-okay...", Todd said. "I got some of your stuff Jon.", Eduardo said to me. "Okay thanks.", I said to Eduardo. We started unpacking my stuff like posters and magazines along with my YboxOne and a few games.

Time skip brought to you by FLEX TAPE. "I SAWED THIS BOAT IN HALF!!!!!"

Eduardo's p.o.v

After a couple of hours we finished unpacking Jons stuff and putting it up with Todd's help aswell. Jon looked around his room lightly smirking. "Thanks guys...I really appreciate the help.", Jon said to us. My heart fluttered and a light blush tinted my cheeks. "No problem.", I said. "I-it wasn't a-a trouble all.", Todd stuttered. Jon began walked out of the room when his hand gently brushed mine, my blush darkened into a crimson red. Jon stiffened a little but then continued walking.

(Ohhhhh boy this kinda was a bit of filler and an explination to how Jon learned about Mark and Laurels plan along with how he got the power sythe and how he got to earth. Soooo this chapter kinda sucks bick and dalls. See you soon!!!)

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