Chapter Two: Where Am I?

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Gaining consciousness, Breezie Songs shifted and rolled on the ground as if she were in her own bed. Why is it so cold? She thought resentfully. Opening her eyes, Breezie Songs realises she wasn't in her room, or her four poster bed. Taking a deep breath she stood up and shook off the bitter coldness that cling to her pink, shining coat. Suddenly, Breezie Songs felt a large stabbing pain, she turned her head seeing the large tear in one of her delicate wings Oh sweet Celestia! Trying not to let the pain cause her panic, Breezie Songs looked around her surroundings, it is dark, but she noticed several blue flowers, glowing in the darkness Beautiful! She trots towards the flowers and lowered her neck to grab one until she could hear a sharp voice ringing in her ear.

"Don't you dare touch those!"

Breezie Songs jumps in panic, looking around as she breathed heavily, anxiety pricking beneath her skin. She squints her eyes through the darkness, making out the feint shape of a pony, the only clear feature she can make out is their eyes, glowing from the blue flower she was forced to leave alone.

"Who... are you?" She asks, trying hard not to stutter or to seem afraid. The black figure slowly moved forward into the light the flowers released. This pony was unlike anything Breezie Songs has seen before, they have a coat as black as Princess Lunas night, and a mane as gray as the darkest rock. Their eyes are a deep, dark blue, which reminds Breezie Songs of the whirl pools oceans can create.

"I, am Chernobog" As Chernobog spoke he raises his head in the air proudly, Breezie Songs watched in confusion "Am I supposed to know who you are?" She asks. Chernobog looked down, menacing hatred sparkling in his eyes as he gazed at Breezie Songs "I am the lord of darkness" he began, eyes blazing like fire "My name translates to black god" he laughs, Breezie Songs watched him, crouching low.

"Was it you who brought me here...?"

"Yes, I did."

"Why? I have done nothing wrong to deserve... Well, whatever punishment this is!"

Silence filled the air, but only for a few moments. Chernobog cackled uncontrollably, as if Breezie Songs had said a joke, but this wasn't funny! How could he find this funny? Chernobog stops suddenly and walks towards Breezie Songs, circling her as he spoke.

"You may believe you have done nothing wrong, but ho-ho-ho! You are very very wrong!" Chernobog continues to circle Breezie Songs, whispering softly, sending shivers down her spine "You see me as a sin, Breezie Songs, but you are much much worse than me. Or, you have the potential to become worse than me, and that's a good thing." Breezie Songs watched him, anxiety again, pricks beneath her skin.

"What are you saying?"

"I am growing old and tired, I need a successor when I finally pass. I have had many students, all have failed. But I can see that you are different than them, you are proud, you are strong, you are... Oblivious to the weak. It is your fate to become the new lord of darkness."

Breezie Songs looked up at Chernobog I'm disbelief "what?!" She shook her head "no! I refuse! Your ugly! I don't want to look like you!" Chernobogs eyes blazed into Breezie Songs'.

"Too bad."

Breezie Songs rose up in the air, burning flames pierced her coat, wincing in pain she curls up in a ball as she floated helplessly in thin air, until all the pain was gone, she drops to the ground, only to open her eyes to darkness in herself no! Breezie Songs looks up at Chernobog but he was gone. Be ready for your first lesson, my future Chernobog. Breezie Songs looks around, and notices that she is in a cave and the entrance is open! She rushes towards the entrance only to slam into an invisible barrier This can't be! I can't get out... no!


Hope you enjoyed chapter 2! Sorry it took so long.

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