Chapter 3: Who Are You?

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It has been almost a week since Breezie Songs kidnapping, no pony had come to find her in the previous days, she questions every second why! Looking in the reflection of herself in the small pool in the cave, she realised how scrawny and dirty she had become, her grace aswell had disappeared. Oh no! I am becoming the next Chernobog... Panic begins to take over Breezie Songs how do I stop this? Will I ever escape? Breezie Songs sits down and took a couple deep breaths, she recalls seeing a small pony figure outside the cave every now and then, it isn't Chernobog because the shadow doesn't have the same figure as the demon.

Breezie Songs shuts her eyes, trying to shake off the feeling somepony was watching her, as she quietly sang her song.

"Looks grim right now, but pretty soon we'll be laughing about it... and it's alright... yeah it is... I... swear you'll see..."

"It's not really, is it?" A new voice spoke out of nowhere.

Breezie Songs immediately stood up and whips her head around to where the voice came from.

"Who are you?" She asks.

"I could say the same for you."

"I'm Breezie Songs... so tell me who you are."

"I'm afraid you won't want anything to do with me once you know who I am."

Breezie Songs snorted, shaking her head in dismay.

"I don't care anymore, I've lost everything. My home, my beauty... my... friends... god I think I lost my friends before I even arrived to this place..." Breezie Songs slowly walked to the barrier, trying hard to make out the figure "please tell me who you are... I need somepony I can talk to right now..."

The figure sighs and he steps forward into the light, it was all clear now, his coat was a deep dark gray and his mane black striped with red, his eyes red with green flames flowing at their sides, the figure looked down, not meeting Breezie Songs eyes.

"I am Maroon Moon, it's not hard to see I am the son of King Sombra."

Breezie Songs stared, trying hard to keep her mouth closed.

"K king... Sombra has a son?!"

"Yes... Celestia knows how that happened."

"I'm sorry... Just..."

"I get it, you don't want to be talking when me, it's alright." He looked up and smiled weakily, then after a few silent moments, he looked to the right, the left and behind to make sure no pony was around, and as he next spoke, his voice was lowered. "I can get you out of here, but you have to do as I say." Breezie Songs nodded eagerly. "I will return in a few days time, but in the meantime, pretend you want to be the next Chernobog, I know it's dumb, but it's the only way to save you from becoming something you really don't want to be" the fluff on Maroon Moons coat began to rise "He has returned, be careful, Breezie Songs" as he finished speaking he turned away and disappeared into the shadows of the forest. Breezie Songs turns around and trots to the caves clearing where Chernobog was waiting, she closes her eyes and opened them, determination welling through every bone and muscle in her body I have to believe he can get me out, I will escape. She looks up at Chernobog with a smile "Well? What will be the task for today?" Chernobog smiles with satisfaction.


It had been days since her encounter with Maroon Moon, king sombras son? Well, he definitely looked like the evil king that's for sure, but he had something different in his eyes then to his father, it was kindness... Breezie Songs smiled as she remembered she would soon be able to escape Chernobog, she was getting sick of hearing his echoing voice in the cave every day, she longed to escape and feel fresh air blowing through her mane. She sighs as she remembers the damage Chernobog had done to her wing I'll never fly again... She thought sadly, Breezie Songs bowed her head, until she hears a familiar voice speak inside her mind.

"Breezie Songs! It's Maroon Moon" Breezie Songs shot up He's here! "Listen closely and stay quiet, I am using my magic to speak to you in your mind, right. I have cast a spell on the barrier, it is only temporary but you must bring a blue flower with you, the spell won't let you through without a flower, do it now, Chernobog will return soon!"

Breezie Songs rushes to a flower, she pulls hard at the stem until it finally snaps off, Breezie Songs then takes a deep breath and runs through the barrier I did it! She looks around hopefully where is he? Suddenly Breezie Songs felt something pull her, was Chernobog here? Oh no... she shut her eyes tight, afraid of what Chernobog would say, but when she opened her eyes, there was no Chernobog only Maroon Moon. Breezie Songs stood up "I'm free! Thank you so much!" Maroon Moon bowed his head "it was nothing, really. Come on, these last few days I've been at canterlot, I have bought you a suite in canterlot, with Princess Celestias permission of course. I understand you would not want to return to your old home looking like that" Breezie Songs just nodded in reply, tiredness filling every muscle in her body, until she collapses onto the cold, damp grass beneath her, watching Maroon Moon as her vision closes to darkness.

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