MCGA as things I hear people at school say

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A//N: I'm a freshman in high school and I hear some weird things. These are some of them.

Blitz: Hey Magnus, your jeans look very jean-y today
Magnus: Th-thanks...?

Alex: Technically the firefighter is the enemy of the fire

Magnus: I want a therapy crocodile

Alex: Me and Magnus were supposed to go on a date on Friday.
Mallory, seeing Magnus look confused: did he know about this? you need consent, Alex
TJ, snickering: Don't forget the condom

Alex, pulling Magnus out into the hallway while he's sitting on a chair: You're in timeout, put your nose in the corner.

Alex, to Magnus: Welcome to Jimmy Johns, today I'll be giving you an 18-incher

Magnus: Canadian is just French

TJ, pointing to an electric plant: Who wants to go play on the jungle gym?!

Alex: I like killing people for fun
Magnus: Murder gang

Sam, tutoring Alex about history: It was basically the 1919 VSCO

It's a kinda short chapter, but I'm sure there'll be more shit that's said that's weird.

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