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- Magnus totally asks Jack for dating advice when he's desperate
- Jack isn't helpful and Magnus always gives up

- TJ picked up Minecraft and thought that it was weird at first, but it found it's way into his love of first-person shooter games
- Floor 19 has a Minecraft realm
- Alex is constantly griefing the builds and gets banned every time

- Alex secretly loves it when Magnus cuddles him/her but pretends like s/he hates it

- Alex is a huge weeb while Magnus prefers comics and things of the sort

- Gunderkeen vs. Fierrochase battles happen constantly
- Usually, it will consist of "We're the better couple" back and forth until one side gets bored and gives up
- Fierrochase has 12 points, Gunderkeen has 15 
- (This doesn't reflect my love for either one, I love them both)

These are just some random things, but I'd love to hear some of your headcanons! If I like it, I may put it in the next headcanons part (with credit, of course!) Leo out.

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