Lion Guard AU: Ending with Flame

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(This AU takes place in Battle of the Pridelands)

“Hapana!” Ono exclaimed as he witnessed a branch with an ignited flame on it. He looked up at a hole in the roof of their lair. The hole was outlined with a circled flame with more burning branches hitting the ground.

Ono flew over to Beshte and  Kion, who looked up to Ono. “ Kion! We have a problem!”

A vine that was also set a blaze fell from the roof of the cave. The fire grew once it hit, causing the three to flinch back. 

A little ways away, Janja got up from the ground, feeling a bit dazed from running into Beshte. He told a moment to look behind quickly before turning forward. He straightened out his stance when he spotted a pile of sticks near the lair entrance. “ What’s that?”

Suddenly the pile of sticks was ignited by flames and made not room for an exit. “ Huh? Scar didn’t say nothin’ about a fire while we was in here.” Janja turned to his hyenas. “ Fellas, follow me!” They ran towards the entrance, hoping to possibly jump through the tips of the fire. But just as they were about to leap, the flames grew in an instant leaving no way out.

Janja back away and winced. “ Oh no…” The other hyenas winced as well and had their ears flattened as they backed up as well. The hyenas stood up together pretty close to Beshte, Kion and Ono. Fuli and Bunga went up next to the rest of the guard.

“ Kion, what are we going to do?” Fuli asked with her neck fur bristled. 

“ We’ll figure it out!” Kion reassured. “Ono, check on my parents and Kiara if you can.” 

“ Affirmnative.” Ono flew out of the hole, leaving the rest of them behind.

Janja approached Kion with his ears still flattened and his eyes wide in fear. “ Are you sure that there will be a way out?”

Kion turned to Janja in a bit of surprise that he asked him for his reassurance, but brushed it off given the circumstances. “ Yeah. If we all help each other, we can get out.”

Janja sighed, trying to relieve himself. “ Yeah, we’ll work together.”

“ We better hurry Kion,” Beshte said. “ The fire will build up quick.”

“ Then let’s start working,” Kion stated.

“Oh wait a sec!” Bunga exclaimed. He ran over to Beshte’s pool. “ We can splash the fire with the water.”

“ The fire’s too far to put with the water,” Fuli pointed out. “ We’ll be killed by smoke by then.”

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