My OC story: I have Bad News

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“ I have bad news!”

“ What is it Ginger?”  A milky brown tabby tom responded as his sun orange eyes widened. “ Is that why you’ve been acting strange lately?”

“ Yeah.” Ginger said. The molly was pale ginger with sky blue eyes. Her eyes looked up to the tom as she was much smaller than him. Not that she was short but rather that the tom was tall. Nearly the same size as a bobcat.  I wonder what he’ll say when I tell him…

“ What is it then?” The tom’s concern rised as his fur started to stand up straight, easily seen in the sun shining down on his fur. They were outside of Gingerś house which was where they always meet each other . “ Are you okay?”

“ Yeah, but I just needed to tell you that-”

“ Tell me what?” The tom interrupted her in deep concern.

“ That I’m…” She hesitated for a moment with a small serious frown on her face. Her ears were pressed against her head and she lowered her head. 

“ Iḿ ...pregnant.¨

The tom ́s face turned from eyes widened in panic with an open frown, to slowly turning into shining eyes of excitement and with an open smile that made it look like he couldn't contain himself. “No way!¨

Ginger started to smile along with him. “Yes Toby! Youŕe going to be a father!¨

For a moment Toby stayed the way he was, not really sure how to release his excitement. Ginger giggled as he stayed with the same expression in shock. After that moment, he closed his smile, but it remained very wide and loud purr rumbled out of Tobyś mouth. Toby lowered his head to Gingerś level and started aggressively rubbed her cheek. “ This is amazing! I can't believe this!¨

¨Toby! Stop it!”Ginger exclaimed. Toby refused to listen as his cheeks still rubbed against Gingerś excitedly. Then Toby started to lick Gingerś face. “ Toby! Oh my goodness!¨

“Youŕe such a prankster!” Toby said before returning to his purring state and head butted her. 

“ Youŕe such a kitten!” Ginger teased while smirking. “A kitten stuck in an adult body!¨

Toby leaned back for a moment. “ I can't help myself! Iḿ too excited!̈ ̈  Toby continued to purr as he rubbed his cheek on Gingerś face.

A sudden rumbling from down the neighborhood, startling the two of them. They looked towards the sound which seemed to come from behind Ginger. They saw a strange car strolling around the road with all of the people. It was dark brown but the paint was chipped off and the bottom of the car seemed a bit rusty.  It was slow, as if it was looking for something.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2019 ⏰

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