1 : a bet with a cupid

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           "they says Cupid is one smart dude,
           because they have never met a Devil."

"You are so mean- so evil" she groaned in frustration "I hate you".. 

"Ofcourse I am devil what do you expect" Lia smiled creepily with her red lips. 

She signed in defeat getting off the car and slams the door shut taking heavy steps on the busy sidewalk..

"Ahh Siel wait.. I got something for you" Lia handed her a small box. "advance birthday present."Siel hiked her brows.

 "Now go.... before I change my mind and get your soul back" Lia pushed her a little to walk in the instructed direction. 

"But how will I recognize him. I mean you haven't told me a word about him" she turned back with a confused questionable face. 

"He'll be in all black, across the street" Lia replied with confidence and pointed at the direction.

Siel looked around and scoffed "It's October Lia, 80% of people wears dark cloths in fall." 

Lia smirked wickedly with her full cherry lip "When you will see him, you will know him...... now off you go" before she took a turn in a dark alley like walking to her home aka hell.

Siel took slow steps on the path to her direction or you might say her destination.

Swimming in the crowd of early morning; where everyone was either going to their work or school, but she was going on a date.

An early morning blind date set up by an immortal. Just because she put up a bet with another immortal creature who runs a heavenly match making agency.


"wake up-wake up" 

Siel opened her eyes lazily, adjusting with the brightness of the morning sun-rays entering through her window..

"I took a day off Lia, let me sleep" she sat up on her bed rubbing her eyes.

"Your every day-every night is mine siel" these words snapped her mind who was thinking she seeing the devil lady in her dream. 

"AAAAHHHhhhh Lai" She let out a scream seeing her again after so many years, standing in front of her.

"Am I dead" she looked around if she woke up in hell or heaven instead of her room. 

"Noooo" Lai laughed at her reaction who was feared for her life. 

"So are you going to kill me now" She asked again as the chill ran down her spine.

"No idiot!" 

"Then what do you want - Why are you here?" her heartbeat raised, staring directly into the eyes of the span of satan. 

Lia crouch down to match her sitting position, coming face to face with her before she said "I need a favour!" 

 Feeling the cold morning breeze against her skin she finally reached the pelican crossing. Where she is suppose to look for her blind date but don't know anything about how to find him.

So she just stop at her side looking at the group of strangers wait for the red light, so they can cross the road. She scoffed remembering Lia's word about him to be in "all black" among the sea of people wearing black. 

The traffic stopped as soon as the green light turned to red, and all the hard working-early birds charged toward her in a hurry to cross the road.

She wanted to laugh at that she-devil who said you'll know once you see him where she could hardly catch a glimpse of every man trying to cross this ocean as quick as possible as the light signal was back to green and engines was roaring again but the sight of one man stole the color of her pink lips before they could even smile. 

He was standing there alone, in black. from top to bottom, smiling at her. 

Her breathe hitched, that devil was right, once she'll see him she will know. Her heart beat slowed down as everything around her disappeared like some fantasy drama except him.

He was standing right in front of her, she doubted her own eyes if she is dreaming.
She blinked, he was there, she blinked again to wake up from this dream but this time the light turned to red again. She felt herself frozen as he took steps on the white-black strip fn the road slowly pacing toward her. 

 The idol she admires was walking toward her.The man she hates was walking toward her.

My Sworn Enemy !!VRVR Lee Dongheon!!Where stories live. Discover now