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woke up to the sound of my alarm . I almost couldn't sleep last night, I can't believe today is my graduation I will finally stop wearing that ugly school  uniform .(40 minutes later) I was done getting ready,time for my make up There was no point of calling a make up artist like henna( my cousin)did since I already knew how to do my make up and not to brag it looked perfect on me . After I was done I immediately headed to aunty Aisha side
To call henna so we could go to our graduation since as graduates we needed to go a bit earlier than everyone
I met henna on her mother's bed sitting down and waiting for the make up artist to apply the finishing touches to her makeup ( I must say it looked beautiful especially cause henna was light skinned like her mother I laughed at that thought cause I remembered when I use to get jealous of her complexion ) aunty Aisha entered the room and the first thing she asked was who did my make up you could see jealousy on her face ( of course she didn't want me to out shine her daughter) I said I did it and she ignored me when the make up artist was done I told henna to hurry up
And she told me to chill that she's coming

After she was done. We headed to Hajias (my grandma)side it was a family tradition for everyone to go and greet her . We said our Ina kwanas( good morning in Hausa ) then she said lafeeya then she said I can see my two girls are ready for their graduation we said yes she told us to hurry up and go before we are late we headed to naf conference where the graduation was taking place and told the driver thank you and to leave
we both went our ways without saying a word, as soon as I spotted my best friend Fatima I was filled with excitement and this new energy the first thing she told me was I love your make up who did it I told her I did it she looked happy and shocked
We entered the hall and our vice principal called all the graduates and told us where to seat after 15 minutes the graduation started I was so happy when I saw my family but I didn't see any sight of Abba (3 hours later ) the graduation over I was so disappointed and tired , I really wanted Abba to attend my graduation .
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