First day

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Ajmal's POV

Today will be marked as my first day in university,I'm excited and nervous at the same time. My first class  is at 10 so I have to wake up early since my school is  approximately 40 minutes drive from my house .

Since it was both me and hennas first day I want to ask her if she wants me too drive her to school but I don't want her to get the wrong impression,cause some times that girl over thinks
I got ready around 8:30 am
I headed to hennas room and knocked and entered  "henna do you want to go to school with me ,emmmm like together " I asked her she replied by saying " sure why not but am not ready yet just head to hajias side I will meet you there in 10 minutes "
I headed to hajia side to greet her I met her setting in her favorite seat
"Good morning hajia , how are you I hope you slept well" I told her with a smile " "alhamdulillah Ajmal I slept well you fah " "alhamdulillah I replied " as soon as I finished talking I heard a knock at the door "come in " hajia said I saw the lively face of uncle umar ( hennas dad ) . " good morning hajia and Ajmal how are you?  " she says while sitting down ,one thing I love about him is that he has no pride and respects everyone I don't even know how he ended up with a wife like aunty Aisha but Sha love is blind and she ain't that bad she's has her good sides . Hajia replied first by saying " alhamdulillah umaru ,how are you "then I replied him by saying " Alhamdulillah thanks to Allah , please pray for me and henna , you know today is your first day in uni " I told him " Allah will bless the both of you any way am off I have to go to work bye " he waved at both me and hajia as he was about to get up from his seat then someone knocked at the door " come in hajia " hajia said it's opened and it was henna she greeted everyone one then uncle bashir hugged her and kissed me on the head and left .
" we can leave now Ajmal thanks for waiting" she told me atimes she's nice Sha " no problem "
We went to my car (that can never get old 😁) we entered and drove in silence when we arrived at the school peaceful and parked . She told me thanks and left to her friends , everyone knows she's a very Social meanwhile,  I only had two close friends Fatima and Aliya and they are both studying in uk . I just noticed I've been in the car for 20 minutes alone thinking I need to go out before people think Im a weirdo , well here goes nothing..
I  stepped out of my car and headed to the main building  where I will have my first class,my first official class is accounting it was already 9:50 when I reached where the class was but nobody was inside so , I decided to search for the perfect seat . So I found a seat in the Back and sat there 

Around 10:10 the lecturer entered the class and started
After school was over
I called henna to tell her to meet me in the parking lot she told me a friend was going to take her home .
I got in to my car and headed home it was already around 6:20 pm I bathed and did my ablutions which took about 30 minutes when I was done , it was already magrib time so I prayed and headed to babas room .I knocked and he told me to enter
"Hello baby how are you "
"am fine Ajmal how's your first day at school, did you make any friends " he asked me " school was fine baba , how's work ? " " it's fine , alhamdulillah but sadly I will be traveling tomorrow so do you need anything before I leave " "nope baba safe flight what time are you leaving maybe I can drop you " I asked " ah no need to drop me you need to focus on your studies maybe you will even be able to take over my business " he told me " kk , baby is almost isha time let me go bye "
I went to my room and texted Fatima 
Ajmal : hey
Fatima : how are you how's school.
Ajmal : it's fine everything is fine how are you dealing with the new environment leaving alone for the first time
Fatima : it's fine Sha , but it's nice to leave alone and have your own space, but my mum calls me like 59 times a day to make sure lm alright and alive 😔😂😂
Ajmal : really wow perks of having African parents any bye we will talk Tomorrow
I prayed isha and went to eat I just remembered i didn't eat today so I went to the Kitchen to look for something to eat and luckily nobody was in the kitchen I found some rice and ate it peacefully and went to my room to sleep
Hello how did you  like this chapter please don't forget to vote and comment  and again I need 10 votes for the next chapter thanks 😈😈😈
Sorry didn't have time to edit

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