Too young

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After every one got of their cars . We went inside into the main living room. We were all seated aunty Aisha talked first by saying "Baban Ajmal did you buy a new car me"
. Then baba replied by saying no fa I bought the for Ajmal .
After  he said that before aunty Aisha opened her mouth to speak . bashir ( my older cousin who is 29 )opened his mouth and said the most useless thing "how can you buy a car that's expensive for her ,can't you see she's too young to even be driving.".After he was done talking aunty Aisha said :bashir how can you say that ,are you saying we the elders  don't know what's good for the girls why can't baban Ajmal buy them a car she finished her statement,I was surprised aunty Aisha was supporting me then I noticed she was saying girls instead of girl . Now I understand she thought they  bought two cars one for me and one for henna that's why she's defending me this will be fun.

I went back to listen to their drama . Then when hajia was fed up she shouted and said silence  . Kai bashir Mai ruwanka ( what's your business) are you her father he kept quiet answer me she said are you her father he kept quiet did you see me talk what's your business are you an elder or are you wiser than us . Shut up if you talk again you will face the consequences, Ke  kuma Aisha are you his Mate that you will be arguing with this small boy ehh . Both of you should respect your self . Then after that drama henna then asked hajia ni where's my car then hajia gave her a deadly look . And said are you twins that you must get everything she gets and how many times do you get things before her and she doesn't complain ehh and  did I buy it for her that you are asking me her father bought it for her . Go and ask your father where is yours not me . Then she now told aunty Aisha and aunty Fatima to bring food for every one . They headed to the kitchen . Then hajia told everyone to go to the dining table . When everyone was seated she said ajmal and henna alhamdulillah both of you have graduated so which courses do you want to study I told her I wanted to study economics and when henna wanted to speak her mother spoke up and said henna too wants to do economics and uncle Jamal said alhamdulillah that means the both of you will bring a lot of money to this house ba he said laughing. Then I saw that hennas mood changed she looked sad I knew she wanted to do law and I don't know what made her change her mind but it's non of by business then hajia said Allah ya ba da sa'a . When we where done eating hajia said girls I know you want to do your university's aboard but I can't take that risk with you , you are the youngest in this house and the only girls is not you I don't trust is the people you will meet there so I've decided that you will be going to Nile neither me nor henna said a word cause we all know if she has decided on something only God can change her mindset

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