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It's been awhile, but hey! Got my shit together and I'm starting a new story. Idk if anyone is still reading, but if you are..thanks! Enjoy!

"Join the Bella's!" The redheaded woman chirped out.

Beca cringed. How did her father even talk her into this? She should be in LA, making music. Not here about to walk by a way too happy woman, shoving flyers at any girl that happened to walk by. Especially with a name such as, "Bella's". Beca couldn't help but wonder what cheap shit name that was. 

Her eyes averted from the redhead only a few meters away from her, back to the DJ station. She was waiting for someone to come up so they could talk to her. Maybe there was an open spot for a DJ internship or-

"Aye, DJ!" An Australian accent was heard, making Beca jump away a bit. "Deaf jews, oh.." She read the fine print. 

Beca rolled her eyes, not saying anything to the woman beside her. As she started to walk away she heard the Australian trying to talk to one of the guys. She wasn't sure how the blonde didn't understand what 'Deaf Jews' meant. And she couldn't help but feel as if she was surrounded by idiots at that moment. 

She dreaded walking down the pathway. Not just because of that way too bubbly redhead. And not because a stuck up skinny blonde had appeared beside her. But also because of every other college student that tried to talk to her or become her friend. She was already dreading that Jesse kid enough.

But, she walked. Eyes kept straight forward, thinking that if she didn't make eye contact, the redhead wouldn't acknowledge her. Let alone give her the time of day. 

"Join our acapella group?" She asked. 

'Shit' Beca thought to herself, stopping in her tracks. She slowly looked over at the booth they both resided at. 

"We really want to win Nationals, so.." She said, holding the flyer out. "Make our dreams become a reality?" A small smile, eyes sparkling. 

Her voice sounded sweeter up close. Sounded as if she just walked straight out of a Disney film. Her blue dress clung onto her waist, showing off her hips perfectly. And those eyes just felt as if they were hypnotizing Beca on the spot. 

Beca stood up a bit taller, looking at the flyer only a few inches from her. She scanned it over to see the cheap collage of former Bella's is what she assumed. Words in cursive, describing who they were and their aspirations they wanted to achieve. 

And Beca just scoffed. 

"Acapella?" She looked up at the redhead, smirk on her face. "That's still a thing?" 

Instead of the normal annoyed reply or getting offended by Beca's attitude, she nodded eagerly. 

"It's all from our mouths," She winked. "We once sang back up for prince. His butt was so tiny, it could fit in my palm" She held her hand out, giggling slightly towards the end. "It's totes awesome. You should audition" 

The brunette was taken a back. She never met a woman like this. So full of life and so full of, charm. It was unexpected to actually stand here talking to her, taking it in, for more than one minute. Usually Beca would scoff and walk away. But, that charm this woman held. It was capitiving like gravity, pulling Beca in. 

"My names Chloe" Chloe held her hand out to shake. Her hand being the only she just used to show how big Prince's ass was. "You must be new?" 

Beca nodded, shaking the woman's hand. 

"Beca, Beca Mitchell" 

"Daughter of Professor Mitchell? The English professor?" Chloe asked. 

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