Keep Your Distance

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Beca was standing in the coffee shop line. Her earbuds shoved away in her ears, silencing out anything else around her. She hadn't really ever been in a coffee shop. It was always McDonald's or gas stations for coffee's a lot of the time. But, Jesse Swanson. Her ex step brother, had invited her to meet at this coffee shop. It was right on campus and barely far from her dorms.

Jesse is the kid of her father's second wife, now ex. He is currently married to his third. As much as Beca tolerated the kid. He was still nice enough to be sticking around, helping Beca out whenever she needed. Whether that was giving her a ride at 2 am when she snuck out. Or, offering to meet up for coffee. And not that Beca would admit, but she was grateful for him.

Two taps on her right shoulder snapped her out of reading the menu chalkboard. She quickly looked over, seeing nobody was there. But her left earbud got pulled out with a quick,

"Made you look" Jesse chuckled.

Beca groaned, turning to look over at him while pulling her other earbud out.

"You're such an idiot" She shook her head. "It's too early for that shit, dude" She added while unplugging the earbuds from her phone, wrapping the cord around her fingers.

He chuckled again before speaking once more.

"It could be at night and you would say it's too early for that shit"

"No, I would say it's too late. You know for the guy two years into college already, you're pretty dumb" She pointed to him before she shoved her earbuds into her jean pocket.

"Alright, alright" He laughed. "You got me there" He added. "So, anyway, you liking Barden so far?"

"I've had like one real day of classes" Beca said. "But, guess it's going fine"

"Make any friends besides me?"

"We're friends?" Beca teased.

"Oh, ha, ha" He rolled his eyes. "Very funny" He added. "Come on, I'm being serious"

Beca took in a deep breath, shrugging her shoulders. They both moved up in the line that had a little over ten people in it. She still took the occasional glances up to the menu. It was a chalkboard one. Had doodles for their items all over it. Made Beca cringe a bit at it.

"Well, had a girl barge in on me in the shower and demanded I auditioned to be a Bella or whatever" She said.

"Wait, what?" Jesse did a slight double take. Shocked at the random words Beca just spoke to him.

"Yeah," Beca laughed, but it was an empty one in a way.

"Are you going to?" He asked.

"Fuck no," Beca said. "I'm not wearing heels and dancing around, singing, with a bunch of girls. Secondly, the girl was.." She got quiet, unsure of how to explain who Chloe was. "I don't know. I just don't want to be around her"

"Who was she?" He asked. "Maybe I know her?" He questioned.

"Chloe?" She asked. "Don't know the-"

"Chloe Beale barged in on your shower?!" He yelled out, causing people to glance over at them.

Beca smacked his shoulder a few times, shushing him.

"Dude! Shut up"

"Sorry, sorry!" He whispered. "Just, holy shit! Do you even realize who she is?"

"Bella's leader or some shit" Beca shrugged.

"That's Aubrey, Chloe's the co-captain"

"And that's a big deal because.."

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