Sick Little Games

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The water was cold, running down Beca's back. Seemed the college water had no heat this morning. She had the left dial turned all the way to the right, but no such luck. They should really have instructions on how to use this shower is all Beca could think to herself. 

She looked down, watching the water run over her skin that was covered in goosebumps. Beca shivered, trying to hurry this shower up and hoping it would warm up just a bit. 

"Shoot me down.." She muttered to herself, singing softly to try and take her to another mindset. 

Singing was something Beca used as an escape method. It could send her mind elsewhere. Either than in that deep and dark gutter where it usually ended up. Though she never thought she was talented. Mediocre at best. So it never occurred to her to actually go out and try to show it off. 

She continued singing, successfully taking her into another mindset. It drifted into her just closing her eyes, feeling the water soak her body. The conditioner she had applied just minutes before now being rinsed from her brown locks. The smell of vanilla bean filled her nostrils, which reminded her of home. 

Beca missed home like any other freshman in college. She missed her annoying little sister picking on her every move. She missed the way she'd hear her grandmothers soft piano playing each time the sun was rising. The sun rises felt empty now.

And maybe she missed it more than she would admit because of the terms she had left on. Constantly arguing with her father and step mother. Her sister had started sneaking out, ditching, all that last summer Beca was at home. Which caused Beca and her to get into arguments. Mainly because Beca took on the role of raising her when their mother had died. 

Their grandmother, she used to be able to raise them. But with age came disadvantages to her old self. And maybe that's why Beca couldn't handle living at home. The one woman she was closest to was slipping away each day. And her father didn't even seem to care. 

So Los Angeles, New York, or even a shitty college just a forty-five minutes from home was an escape. Enough so that she could get her own space. She could ignore everyone and just live in peace without anyone disturbing-

"You can sing!" 

The shower curtain got ripped open as the voice made the action seem more powerful. Beca jumped, quickly covering her body up with her arms she best she could. She jumped towards the wall with a powerful, 

"Dude! What the fuck?!" 

"I knew you could sing, now you have to audition" 

The redhead from that acapella stand, she was standing right there. A huge grin on her face. Those damn eyes sparkling once more, threatening to hypnotize Beca into anything. 

"Okay, seriously?!" Beca asked. She took an awkward pause, looking down at her own body. And maybe she did take a quick glance at Beca's body as she looked back up to meet her eyes. It was just a blur though. "I'm nude.." 

"Oh come on, we're both girls. Doesn't matter" Chloe shrugged. "How high does your belt go?" 



"What language are you speaking?" 

"Just tell me, yes" Chloe demanded. 

"To what?!" 

"Auditioning to be a Bella!" 

Beca scoffed. 

"Fuck no," Beca said. "I'm not that type of girl" 

"Oh, really?" Chloe asked, folding her arms across her chest. Pushing her breasts up a bit which Beca was trying to not get distracted by. "What type of girl are you?" 

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