Season 7 Episode 10 : Song For A Father.

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Oscar smiled as he looked at a Photo of his father and his Division of soldiers. Brave. Brave men they were. Fighting in the front lines of far distance war zones. Oscar could only imagine the hell they've been through as Soldiers. Trully they were Brave men and women.

Fighting in the trenches. Conducting attritional warfare. Machine gun fire from enemy lines. The sickening sound of a Bayonet tearing through human flesh. Soldiers next to Oscar's father firing there sidearm in desperation. All this sounds still echo loudly within the Confines of Oscar's mind and is conducted by his own imagination, all of it. Coming togheter as a musical of death.

“A sympathy. A sympathy of war.” Oscar said “A war of honor, Glory and fatherland.”

“What was that Oscar?” Asked Thomson. He stood up and he took his walking cane as well as his bowler hat.

“Oh, nothing, nothing. I'm just reminiscing on old days.” Said Oscar.

“Ah, of course, so where shall we play the music Oscar?” Asked Thomson as he finished his beer.

Oscar thought for a moment. A few moments of silence pass as he walked past Grayson and he looked out the window--Oscar was silent. Then he touched the windows to feel the cold surface of the glass, he knew where to play the Music. Deby knew. Phoebe knew. Johnny knew and now everyone here in Vinny's Café would know
“To the Cliffside, the Cliffside. That Cliff that over looked Mollineli.” Oscar then pointed at the cliff that overlooked all of Mollineli.

The group was in agreement. They all knew Oscar's personal plite, Von Looseberg was especially concidered for Oscar. His father, died. His mother was never found as she left Martin Wiking after giving birth for reasons unknown.
“We'll stand with you Oscar. We can help you with your special musical project.”

Oscar smiled and he held his hands togheter before saying “Thank you Von Looseberg. All of you. I really don't know what to say or to think really.”

Thomson placed his bear mug down and he slowly approached Oscar and patted him on the back before saying “It's alright Oscar. We understand that your father means alot to you.”

Father... Oscar almost shed a tear at the thought of his death, but still. Oscar held back the emotions holding him back and he said “Not just alot. He was everything. We used to take long walks back on Munich. I enjoyed his sheltering presence, even if it were for hours... I didn't care. So long as I'm spending it with my Dad I'll go anywhere.”

Vinny wiped a few empty wine glasses with a white towel. He too was listening to Oscar's take about his late father
“What else did you and your father do back on Munich?” Vinny asked curiously.

Oscar answered Vinny. After a brief silence of thought he said
“We did arrands togheter. Watched movies together. Blundered togheter, and we even spent time driving through and having picnics in the sorrounding countryside. We were happy.”

Vinny and the others felt sympathy for the young Oscar Wiking “What happened next Oscar?”

Oscar's face turned sad from the mere thought of which he was about to share with those present “My dad. He was recalled to imperial military duty, my nation, my country needed the soldiers and so, like that. He was shipped to the front lines in far away battlefields.”
Oscar then shed a few tears
“ And to think... He promised to come back to me. Instead, his Iron Cross made it back.”

The room was dead silent. Sympathetic and caring, Von Looseberg gave Oscar a hug and tried to comfort the young lad “I'm sure wherever Martin is, his thinking about you right now.”

“Thank you Von Looseberg. I'm alright now.” Oscar wiped the Tears and he led them to the cliffside Road.

As they ascended the steps. Thomson lit a cigar and he looked out upon the Dreamlands
“A beauty isn't she? And to think the Dreamlands will remain this way.” He said. Gazing out into the vastness of the Dreamlands

Oscar continued to lead them up the cliffside Road until they found themselves at the magnificent cliff that overlooked both Mollineli and the Dreamlands

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Oscar continued to lead them up the cliffside Road until they found themselves at the magnificent cliff that overlooked both Mollineli and the Dreamlands. It was a striking view, the water was as blue and crystal clear as the day in which it was made manifest into reality.

Officer Cozzi Leaned upon an old lamp post and he crossed his arms “So what now Oscar?” he asked him.

“We wait, we wait here until Deby gets here with her Piano

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“We wait, we wait here until Deby gets here with her Piano.” Oscar responded.

Von Looseberg and Vinny sat down at the old wooden bench. The rest mild about the cliffside view and awaited for Deby's arrival.

( Night Time. )

“Deby sure is taking her time.” Cozzi said as he looked at his watch. It was already 6:45 PM. And yet, Deby still hasn't shown up with her Piano.

“She'll be here.” Von Looseberg answered Cozzi “When it comes to music, Deby never turns it down.”

Just then they all heard a noise coming from the Cliff Road. And Oscar was delighted when he and the others saw Deby, alongside Johnny Bear who was helping her push her Piano up the cliff Road as she simply sat on it
“Hey you guys!” Deby exclaimed with excitement.

Johnny Bear grunted as he pushed the Piano into the Place. But when he did so he was proud and he said to Oscar “Yo, Oscar my man.”

“Good evening. Johnny Bear.” Oscar said with a friendly smile.

Deby then jumped off oh her Piano and she said with a smile
“Should we get started? I'm ready when you are Oscar.” she said

Oscar Nodded. The rest, also got there instruments togheter. Thomson and Grayson have guitars at the Ready.
Von Looseberg and Cozzi both had a flute as instruments.

Vinny and Johnny Bear would not be participating in the song. So both sat down and watched. Then Oscar gave a sign to begin Playing. Suddenly Deby played her Beloved Piano, everyone's ears tingled with satisfaction as she played the notes she had so recently made.

Then everyone else began to play a synchronised musical song. The notes forged by Deby. The song, came from Oscar's heart. And he too began to sing
Die Grenzwacht hielt in osten. Dem fiende lange stand, holt kieder leister posten. Zuruck in fatherland.”

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