Collaboration with Asking4AHorizon

Note: I apologise for any spelling errors or repetition. I'm autistic so I do things like this without realising, please excuse the accidents. These mistakes were caused by me, not my partner.

Enjoy xx
It was cold. The chill crept under Vic's jacket, goosebumps rising on his skin. He sighed, cursing himself for not taking Alex's lift, clenching his arms against his chest to keep himself warm. He stopped walking, then. A noise echoed in the empty street, coming from one of the dumpsters. He turned to look at it, shaking his head and he began walking again.

Just as he made his way down the cobblestone road, he heard it again. The haunting sound resonated through his blood flow, giving the tanned boy an even colder feeling the the weather.

He exhaled, turning again, looking around with paranoid eyes as a frown crawled upon his brows. He gulped, his shaky hands tightening around himself.

"Hello?" he called, his gaze meticulously wandering around, "Is there anybody out there?" He bit his lip, awaiting a response that never came. He sighed, nervously turning around before walking faster.

The adolescent was nearing the end of the road, yet he felt a mist behind him which made his hair stand up.

All in good time, Vic turned around to be met by something he never thought or wished he would see.

His breath hitched, his arms slowly lowered and his whole body shook. He almost choked, but he managed to breath out, "mom?"

It came shakily as his heart sped up even faster. He wished he would have never seen that damned woman again, not after everything. He stepped back slowly, his gaze trapped onto her smirk.

"No, " she said. Vic blinked. There was nothing there.

"Fuck that, I'm out of here." Vic whispered to himself as he started walking backwards quickly.

He exhaled, running down the barely lit street, seeing all the house's lights out. The whole neighborhood was out of power. And he sprinted, knowing that his house was right onto the next block. It was all quiet beside his breathing. Then it wasn't. He heard stuff close to steps running behind him. He turned to look back, his expression scared as shit. There was nothing behind him, it was quiet again. His legs shook, he faced forward. The steps again. He didn't dare to look back this time. The steps were closer, right behind him. He turned his head, something jumped on him. It was black, wide silver diamond blue eyes snarling back at him. A cat.

He was allergic to cats.

Vic shook his head, grabbing onto the feline to prevent it from falling. "So that was you causing all that ruckus, huh?" He questioned while placing the cat gently on the floor before rising to his original short stature.

The cat meowed, pawing gently at Vic's pants. The male's face screwed up, his nose twisting as he tried to hold a sneeze. He pinched his nose, sneezing anyway. He sighed, groaning before he walked home, the cat following him.

Grabbing his keys from his jean pocket, his twisted the front door lock before opening it. The young one was about to close it before he saw the feline.

"No no no, get out of here," Vic whispered, trying to get the cat away, his allergies ready to attack him. The cat kept meowing and pawing at the door before Vic tried to close it. He groaned, opening the door and whining a little as he sneezed, the cat gracefully entering the house. Goddamn him and his love for animals.

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