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I stop feeling a familiar soul start to fade.
"No," I curse in Greek and start running again, I find Loki pulling himself out of a hole in the wall, Coulson slumped over a big gun and blood staining his white dress shirt where his heart is. I grab the god and throw him into the wall knocking him out, I pull out ambrosia and carefully feed him a bit and give him a few drops of nectar.
"Swallow, you'll be okay," Coulson is a son of Hermes if he was mortal I'd let him fade rather than burn from the inside out. I apply pressure to the wound.
"I need a med team as fast as possible, Coulson was wounded and I knocked Loki out," I press the coms and wait for a reply.
"We're on our way, stay with him," I heard Dad order.
"I will Dad but hurry," I plead and summon a few skeletons to take my place while I check on Loki. I rip off part of my cloak to help stop bleeding and the skeleton puts pressure on the wound. I kneel by Loki and roll him over so he was on his back, I pull him up and prop him up against the wall. I summon shadows to hold him in case knocking him out didn't work. I drip nectar into his mouth and back away slightly making sure the scepter he was using was on the opposite side of the room. He groans and opens his eyes slowly, they were a beautiful emerald green.
"Good to know you're back," I smile and dispel the shadows holding him down.
"You're Greek?" He asked adjusting himself so he was comfortable and healed himself with his magic. I hear footsteps approach.
"Loki isn't being controlled anymore," I inform looking up and meeting my father's eyes, I fail to notice a few others who are looking at my skeleton soldiers.
"You may go now," I order the skeletons and wave my hand dismissing them, a small crack opens up and the fall in going back to Hades.
"What the fuck," I hear Tony say confusion obvious in his voice. I ignore him and look at Loki.
"Can you stand?" I ask him gently, he tries to push himself up before shaking his head.
"Here," I feed him some ambrosia and more nectar.
"That's better," he gave me a ghost of a smile, I grabbed his arm and wrapped an arm around his waist helping him up.
"I hit him kinda hard," I smile sheepishly as Dad gives me a knowing look.
"I'll call Apollo and ask him to come to look Loki over and whoever else he needs to see if whatever was controlling him is still in there," Dad clapped my shoulder and walked off.
"You'll stay in my room for now until we assess the damages and get a room together for you," I tell Loki gently. We take a step and he lets out a soft whimper, I look at his leg and notice one is bleeding badly, I curse in Greek gaining weird looks.
"Wrap your other arm around my neck, I'll carry you," he shakes his head. "You can trust me Loki it's okay," I reassure him, he slowly wraps his arm around my neck and pushes his face into my neck. I smile at him and pick him up.
"You okay?" I ask starting to walk towards my room, I carefully maneuver through the doorway out of the containment area and walk down the hall. I walk into my room and gently set Loki down on the bed.
"It'll hurt when I clean it but I'll give you more nectar to help with the pain, I don't know how much ambrosia your body can handle so we'll be safe and leave it at what I gave you until Apollo gets here," I warn him and grab bandages to clean the wound with and rubbing alcohol.
"This is going to feel terrible," I tell him and press the bandages to the wound, he grunts then looks at me and raises an eyebrow.
"That was just the rag I still have to use water and rubbing alcohol," I smile and wet the rag with the rubbing alcohol slowly pressing it to the wound, Loki winced loudly and groaned grilling the bedsheets. I pull the rag away and wrap the wound in gauze and bandages.
"All better, I'll let you take the bed," I stand, "would you like to change? I have some clothes that might fit you," I offer, the tall handsome god nods and sits up. I dig through my clothes and find a large green shirt and black plaid pajama pants, I turn holding them up.
"Do these work?" I ask, Loki nods, I notice tiny scars around his mouth.
"Your mouth, it's been sewed shut?" I ask in horror, he looks down and gives a sad nod.
"That's horrible, you don't deserve that. You can speak freely here Loki," I comfort. "I've been tortured as well so if you wish to talk I'm here for you," I give a warm smile, Loki giving me a small trusting one back.
"I... I get nightmares," Loki admitted softly and looked down at his hands.
"I do too, don't worry. I won't let anything hurt you anymore," I soothed, he nodded slowly.
"I'll go IM Apollo while you change in here," I told him and walked into the bathroom, I started the shower and moved the knob on it until it sprayed mist.
"O Fleecy do me a solid and show me Apollo on Mt. Olympus," I say out loud and throw a golden drachma into the water. Slowly a picture forms in the water.
"Hey Apollo I need your help, I have a Norse god here that's been mind-controlled. Can you flash over and check his mind?" I request.
"Sure, where are you?" He asks me as he walks around his palace.
"S.H.I.E.L.D helicarrier," I reply and fold my arms over my chest.
"I'll have to flash into a large area," I nod.
"I'll clear the main room for you, give me around 20 minutes," I ask after a moment of thinking. Apollo nods and swipes his hand through the IM.

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