Moving In

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After dinner, most of us returned to the helicarrier. Stark and Banner going to the half-destroyed tower, Loki roomed with us again for the night.

-Next Morning-
(A different alter is fronting, his name is Lark)

Lark yawned and looked down at Loki who was still sleeping cuddled into our side, with a smile he gently brushed back the god's hair and silently got out of bed. He walked to the shower and got in, after about 20 minutes he got out and simply wrapped a towel around his waist. Loki stretched and sat up and looked around for a second.
"Hello," he greeted.
"Hey, you must be Loki. I'm Lark another alter from our system," Lark waved.
"How many of you are there?" Loki asked kindly his tone full of curiosity.
"There are 17 in total at the moment, obviously Eros is the main fronting, then the three most well known Raven, Ghost, and Assassin," he explained with a kind smile.
"What are the names of the others?" He asked.
"Ghost, Assassin, and Raven all have regular names outside of hero work, so Ghost is Kosmo, Assassin is Killian and Raven is Ace. Our female alters are Mina, Atticus, Axton, and Mykel. Our male alters are Me, Finlay, Draco, Hitoshi, Hound, Ciel, Tomura, Dabi, and Sirius. Although most of our system is human, Hound has wolf ears and tail and communicates in a lot of growls and barks he can speak normally though, and Mykel and effect weather, Eros' demigod powers shifted to a few of us but it's weaker," Lark explained and grabbed clothes. "I'll be back in a moment," he quickly changed in the bathroom and returned.
"What causes D.I.D?" Loki asked slowly hoping he didn't sound rude.
"Repeated childhood trauma, as for what happened we'll leave that to Eros to explain. The rest of us were created to help him deal with what happened," Larks suddenly got a faraway look.
"Well it was nice meeting you, Atticus wants to say 'hi' now," Lark sat down, and like a snap, the once bright red curly hair was now a shoulder-length hot pink, breasts formed and the once buff masculine form became slightly softer.
"Hello, I'm Atticus. Lark and I are the main caretakers so you'll be seeing us if there's a trigger that causes an alter to panic." Atticus laid down next to Loki in the cot and yawned. "Let's go back to bed it's too early to be awake," she pulled Loki close and they fell back asleep.

-A few hours later around noon-

-Eros POV-

I woke up cuddled next to something warm, opening my eyes I saw Loki's relaxed face and smiled softly. I ran my fingers slowly through his soft black hair, I realized I wasn't wearing what I went to bed in and shook my head smiling. I gently rubbed the gods back.
"Wake up Loki, we've been sleeping for a while and I'm sure you're hungry," his emerald green eyes slowly opened and he looked up at me.
"Are you hungry?" He nodded groggily and sat up.
"I met Atticus and Lark," I smiled.
"They were my first alters, the only friends I had for a long time," I stretched.
"You have me too now," I nodded happily.
"Let's go get some food, we have a long day ahead of us with moving into the tower. Dad will have a press conference and make sure the world knows that you weren't in control and do not blame you," we left my room and walked to the cafeteria, it was empty except for Bruce Banner, Thor, Clint, and Natasha. Clint gave a dirty look before Natasha elbowed him.
"Clint, Loki was controlled just as much as you were," I glared back, he slowly nodded and began eating again.
"What are you hungry for?" I started looking through the large fridge that seemed to always be stocked.
"I don't know many Midguardian foods," he admitted softly standing close to me.
"Let's do something easy then. How do eggs sound? Would you like toast?" I grabbed the carton of eggs and a pan, Loki nodded. I got to work quickly cracking 4 eggs into a pan and throwing rosemary, thyme, oregano, and pepper on them. I covered them and put the bread in the toaster. A loud bang and yelling caused me to stop suddenly sucked into a memory.

Loki POV

I noticed Eros stop moving and gently touched his arm. Suddenly his skin changed to a pale tone as another alter fronted, black hair turned light blue.
"I'm Tomura, whatever that bang was triggered Eros' PTSD so I took over," Tomura quickly finished the eggs and put them on 2 separate plates with toast, all while keeping one finger on both hands raised.
"Who? Wasnt Eros just here?" The archer asked confused.
"I suppose we have things to explain. Eros has D.I.D. or Dissocitive Identity Disorder caused by repeated childhood trauma. I am one of his alters, thanks to the gods we have the power to shapeshift into what we look like. I am a comfort character from a show along with a few others. My name is Tomura Shigaraki," The scientist looked like he understood.
"Its a pleasure to meet you Tomura." The others in the room still looked slightly confused.
"When someone at a young age has repeated trauma they create other personalities to cope. Although personalities isn't the correct term, its almost as if the brain creates a blank slate and fills it with a different person to help cope with whatever the host is going through," Tomura looked thoughtful as Dr.Banner explained.
"I suppose that's the most simple way to put it,"

(I forgot to explain how Eros can be in the military. He isn't really there as a soldier, he is there as a demigod and shield agent disguised as a soldier. In this chapter, I mention a flashback because of a loud bang. It will be explained more later but for now, the rough explanation is that he and the team he was working with got ambushed and that gave him PTSD along with his childhood but in this chapter, it's because of his time overseas)

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