Time for Battle

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(Btw DID in the book is nothing like how it actually is. Although I will have some similarities to how it actually is in real life they aren't superheroes. If you think you might have DID seek professional help. Love you all and see you in the next one)

Natasha broke away from Loki and me while we stayed together, Loki summoned two daggers and I took out my sword from my bracelet and we became a wave of destruction leaving nothing but bodies. We paused panting softly, I touch my comms system.
"Where are you guys?"
"I have one of the space whales following me," Stark cut in.
"I'm on a building to the East of Stark tower, Nat and Cap are on the ground two blocks away," Clint informed us.
"Lokes lets go meet up with Natasha and Cap," I grab his hand and take off in a jog towards where they are. We take out a good chunk of the aliens that are on the ground, soon we stood back to back with Cap and Nat aliens slowly piling up around us.
"They aren't slowing down, if we don't close the portal soon we'll be overrun," I slash effectively relieving an aliens head from its shoulders.
"Get to the top of the tower and be ready. We got a nuke headed our way big enough to flatten Manhattan," Tony was panicking mildly as he grabbed onto the nuke and lead it through the wormhole. We didn't waste time as Loki and I teleported to the top of the tower. Loki quickly used the scepter to remove the tesseract Tony barely made it out, falling back towards the ground just as the hole in the sky closed. Any remaining chitauri died piling up on the streets, Hulk roared suddenly.
"Let's go see what that was about," I grab Loki and we run through a shadow popping out behind the group. We walk over staying silent.
"We should get shwarma, I don't know what it is but there's a place around the corner," I laughed softly and pulled out my phone.
"We'll meet you there the council wishes to talk to Loki and I. It shouldn't take too long, I'll let you all know when we're finished," I grab Loki once again shadow traveling to the empire state building, I take a deep breath getting tired from so much shadow traveling.
"The gods wish to talk to us," I tell him softly and walk over to the front desk. "I need the key to the 600th floor," I growl intimidating the man at the desk who quickly handed me what I asked for. We walked into the elevator standing on silence tor the ride up.
"What do they want with me?" Loki asked softly.
"At most? To know who invaded your mind and what they're capable of doing," we walked through Olympus waving at a few minor gods that we passed. Loki carefully pushed open the doors revealing the Olympic council, we kneel showing our respect.
"Stand," Zeus orders. "I called you here to learn if the enemies you fought," he inquires.
"If I may, they are a creature called the chitauri," Loki answered.
"Who brought them here, who commands them?" Athena questioned.
"I brought them here under the influence of mind control. I fell off the rainbow bridge in Asgard into the void. They found me and put me under their control, the one who controls them is called Thanos. He plans to come here in the future, his mission is to wipe out half the universe and he's completed his mission on the planets he's visited," the gods and goddesses nod in deep thought.
"We must inform the camps of this future threat, they can prepare in these next few years and aid the mortal heroes when the time comes," Zeus nods.
"Hermes, send word to the camps. No one but Chiron and the praetors shall know, they can do what they wish with the information," Hermes nods and leaves.
"Some of us want to give you our blessings. May we?" This time Hestia spoke up looking hopeful.
"Of course, we'd be honored," a few smile, they form balls on their hands and threw them at me. Gasping loudly we felt the power from each blessing, we fell to our knees processing the new powers.
"Thank you," I stand leaning on Loki.
"Hermes would also like to bless you when he returns. From me you have the power to shapeshift into anything you want," Zeus explained.
(Just imagine slightly dulled down powers from Zeus, Ares, Hestia, Hephestus, Dionysius, and Hermes)
We wait patiently for a few minutes for Hermes to return, he appears in his seat.
"Looks like I'm right on time," Hermes creates his ball of power and throws it at me. When its absorbed we look up.
"Go have fun, and don't forget to visit camp your sibling and cousins miss you," Hades smiles warmly and looks at Zeus who nods and the other 11 leave.
"I've missed you," he shrinks and pulls us into a tight hug.
"We missed you father," we pull away from the hug.
"Go, you're missing dinner with your friends," we kiss his cheek.
"I love you father, I'll try to visit the underworld soon. Say hi to Persephone for me," he nods and we grab Loki's hand running through nearby shadows reappearing behind the shwarma place the other Avengers sit in. We walk in with Loki by our side and greet the others. We eat and laugh talking about whatever comes to mind.

(If you don't know anything about DID they usually refer to their system as 'we' so ill be writing that when Eros isn't speaking unless its about the system and its an action)

Calling All Crows (Avengers Crossover)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu