Here we go again!

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Aria Point of view

"See, I told you all I was gonna do this to you all. I wasn't joking when I said I was going to create a room where you all will be reacting to Sabre other series, The Assassin Creed Reboot Series. To be more exact. " I calmly tell them, they all just glared at me, well mostly Lucas and Sabre glared at me with the whole Death Glare."So, when you said that in between every video of The Steve Saga, we watch the series about both Lucas and Sabre past?" Time Steve clarified, I nodded in confirmation. "Mhm, indeed Time Steve, it takes a lot of time and energy to actually do something like this actually.So It won't actually always be in between every episode of the Steve Saga." I tell them with a bit of a groan. Man, how I hate overworking so much, but then again, I want the best for those who likes the story I make. Unlike the videos I make, I swear, only one video has the most views.

"So, what exactly are we going to watch? As in liked the first episode." Galaxy Steve wondered, hmm good question. Oh wait, I got something. "We'll just watch the Overview for now, that would be a cameo for you all to try and figure out what actually happened." I tell them, I looked at Lucas with a mischievous smile. "Our good friend Lucas here, is the one who made the Overview on the Assassin Creed Reboot Overview video." I tell them all, they all look at Lucas in surprised. "What? I couldn't help it, It was quite fun actually narrating it though." Lucas said, looking away in embarrassment. Sabre smiled in amusement while the others where both shocked and surprised. "Well, that's unexpected." Nightmare Steve said, the other Steve's nodded in agreement.

I smiled in amusement. "Well, to be perfectly honest, Sabre aren't you doomed? I mean, I did tell everyone that you nearly actually died back on that ship that slasher owned." I tell Sabre, he looked at me with a blank look until he realized what I mean. "Oh, I Uhh, kinda forgot. Um, welp, it's gonna appear in the overview though, right?" Sabre nervously answered. I faced palm. "Of course it would be, Lucas wasn't there physically, but he would like to actually know what the hell happened." I tell him with an unimpressed tone, Lucas nodded in agreement.

Sabre sighed. "Welp, Lucas gonna find out and all the Steves here are gonna be really shocked about what happened to my childhood. Although, do we have to watch the Overview?" Sabre questions. I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" I asked quite confused. "Shouldn't that be liked after the entire situation and before going to a different land?" He answered, what does he, oh wait, no, now I get it, how did I forget? "Oh yeah, your right, changed plans, right now, we all will just be chilling and stuff. You all are also welcome to explore the place too." As soon as I said that they could explore the room, the Steve's immediately run off to explore the place. Me and Sabre and Lucas all blinked in surprise.

"Uhh, that's unexpected, I didn't think they would run off this quickly." I answer, with a surprised tone. "No kidding, hold up, now that I'm looking around, why does this room reminds me of the creed base?" Sabre question as he looks around the room. I smiled. "That's cause I made this place looked similar to it, since well, you kinda left the place in flames last time I checked, which is stupid." Sabre sweat dropped. "Woops." Lucas rolled his eyes. "Yeah, woops. Knowing them, they're gonna get lost here, well mostly Galaxy Steve and Time Steve and possibly Elemental Steve." I wondered, Lucas looked at as if to say What. "What do you mean?" He questioned me.

I shrugged. "I may have made this place much bigger than it originally was." I answered calmly. Sabre raised an eyebrow. "What does that supposed to mean?" I shrugged again. "Oh, the rooms are far larger and holds more spaces and that kinda stuff, there's also more rooms, liked for example, Sabre have a room, Spencey have a room, Colleen have a room, Lucas have a room, that kinda thing." I answered calmly.. "How so?" I look at Lucas. "Well, let's just say this place looks liked the Creed base, even though Sabre left it still in flames." Sabre sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck with a sheepish smile. Lucas glared at him with a look that said 'Seriously?' "I copied it and upgrade the place. It go a bigger Armory, kitchen, bedrooms, med bay and stuff." I tell them, Lucas nodded in understanding and Sabre looks at me with a question.

"Um, if there's bedrooms and many of the secret rooms, wouldn't they not know that and let's say accidentally find them?" Me and Lucas looks at Sabre with a blank look, with only one thing on our mind. 'Crap.' We all immediately start looking for the others. I went to the right hall, Sabre and Lucas went to the left hall.

As I check every room in the left hall, I noticed a specific door, which is Sabre room. "Who would be in Sabre Room?" I walk over and enter the said room to see Rainbow Steve and Time Steve. "What are your two doing in here?" The said two instantly jumped in surprise. "Uhh, we can explain, hehe." Rainbow Steve nervously said. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, so can you tell me what you both are doing in Sabre room?" I asked the two, they looked at me surprised. "Wait, this is Sabre room?" Light Steve questioned, surprised. I nodded. "Yes, this is Sabre room, why you think everything is almost all in the color of Green, well this rooms actually looks like a forest now I think about it, but yeah." I tell them, I noticed that Rainbow Steve is holding a boo. I raised an eyebrow.

"Where you about to read that book you are holding?" I questioned him, Rainbow Steve nodded. "Well don't, seriously, don't, that's Sabre secret book." I tell them, taking the book from Rainbow Steve and putting the said book in my inventory. "Well, I suggest you both come with me to the main room. Sabre and Lucas should have found everyone else by now, let's go." I grab the two by the arm and dragged them out of Sabre room. Light Steve frowns. "Why do you not want us in Sabre room?" I sighed. "I don't, it's Sabre, he hides secrets in his rooms. Secrets that he doesn't want anyone to find out about." I answered there questioned. By the time we head back to the main room, Sabre and Lucas had all the others sitting at the table, Sabre is at the head of the table, Lucas is on his left. Rainbow Steve and Light Steve both blinked in surprise. "Whoa why does Sabre and Lucas look so serious and a leader? While Lucas looks liked the commander of sme sort." Rainbow Steve said, surprised. I wasn't all that surprised at all. "Ahem, I Suggest you two take a seat, this is gonna be a long series, not as bad as The Steve Saga series." I tell them, they taken their seats, but Origin Steve asked something. "Um, how long is The Steve Saga?"

I shrugged. "Around liked 460 something videos." I snickered at all the Steve's jaw dropped shocked expression. I see Sabre hiding his laugh, which he failed at hiding. Lucas was laughing at them. I clapped my hands, went to sit down at the table as wee. "Alright, let get started on watching The Assassin Creed Reboot Series. Jack, start the video." I say, the person near the computer, aka Jack, then starts the video. First thing we heard is a deep voice speaking.

"Your the only one to stop them."


Okay, I gotten this out before the second week, which this would be interesting. The cover is just Sabre in his old uniform, remembering his time as a assassin and watching the day go from night to day.  I haven't changed much for this story, other than adding the Creed Old base, but more newer? To be honest, I don't know, Sabre left the old one still on fire, but oh well. I hope you liked this, It was a bit tricky, but meh. I liked doing these kinda thing. Anyways this is all.  Anyways I got an old story to rewrite, bye everyone!

Word Count


-Aria Guardian

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