Childhood Part One

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"Your the only one to stop them."

There is a distant sound of swords clashing against one another, the vision then blurs out, but the only thing that you can make out is a group of guards, holding their swords, ready to fight. Then there's a sudden ringing sound.


"Sabre, hurry your father is getting ready to leave." Sabre suddenly stood up from his bed after being woken up suddenly from the dream and from a woman's voice. Sabre got off the bed and shakes his head for a moment, getting used to being awake. "Huh? Ugh, that was a weird dream." Shaking his head for a second walked off. "I'm coming mom." He left his room, went downstairs to see his mother in the kitchen. Sabre mother who's holding an apple look at Sabre as he walks up to her. "Come on now, your father is waiting outside." She tells him, Sabre hangs his head down then look at his mother. Groaning to himself. " But mom. I hate going to the market." He complained with a groan. Sabre mother frowns. "Hey, enough of that now. Your father has done a lot for us and for you, all he wants is to spend his time with his son at the market." She scolded. "Sabre we don't have all day now." A male voice called out from outside. Sabre looked out the window. "Fine, I'm coming dad." He lazily said, leaving the house.


"Did you seriously not want to spend time with your dad, Sabre?" Origin Steve questioned, looking at Sabre, who just shrugged. "I never really did, I even hated him, but then something happened and I'm bound to be regretting it sooner or later." He answer, not fond of the memory. Origin Steve took this as a hint to dropped the matter. Lucas Frowned, looking not so fond of the memory either. Everyone, but Aria didn't say anything, not wanting to raise the sudden tense atmosphere. "Enough of this tense issue, it will only increased as the series progress, so deal with it Sabre, Lucas." Aria tell the two, not surprised in the slightest. The said two sighed and just nodded. "I guess you're right about that, although this is just me going through life." He said with a shrug. Aria rolled her eyes."Yeah, Life can be full of karmic stuff, anyways onto the video." Aria said, watching the video once again as it continues to play.


Sabre went outside, closed the door and sighed, he then walked over to his father. His father wore a simple white shirt, brown vest and brown pants, simple boots, brown gloves and a simple green small cloak that goes around his shoulder. "Okay dad, I'm here, let's go." He said with a sigh, Sabre father place a flower in the ground then look at at Sabre with a frown. "What, you're not excited to go to the market son?" He asked, Sabre shakes his head. "No I'm not excited to go to the market." He then looked at his father. "We go to the market everyday dad, why, why do we go everyday." He answered, not very thrilled about going to the market.


"I never liked going to the market, even today, it brings back the worst memories of that day." Sabre answered, sounding a bit saddened. Lucas put a comforting hand on Sabre shoulder and sighed. "If only me and shadow knew what could have happened and we could have prevented it from happening in the first place." He said, saddened as well. All the Steves looked confused and worried, but they let the matter dropped for now. Aria just shakes her head sadly. "Wait, was this when you were younger Sabre?" Everyone looks at a guy who just came into the room. He wore an old looking armor with the Creed symbol on it. "What? Is there something wro-" The guy then goes silent after seeing Lucas. They said guy got up from his seat and sheepishly smiled and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Hehe, hey Flub." He said, only to be instantly hugged by Flub. "Lucas! Oh my gosh you're alive!" He then pulled away, confused. "Wait, how are you alive? Me, Colleen and Sabre saw you get killed!" Flub questioned in shocked surprised. Aria clapped her hands. "Questions later, for now, we have a show to watch." Lucas nodded while Flub nodded, a bit confused and take a seat at the table.

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