Part 2

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I was so engrossed at the small waves and not notice that someone had sat beside me.

"You're new." I heard a voice from behind me.

The way she said it, she's uttering a statement, not a question.

I jerked my head to the source of that voice. I looked at the girl who asked me, my eyes slightly dilated and mouth agape, trying to form a coherent sentence to reply but nothing came out.

She was beyond beautiful. Her dark hair flowed out beautifully reaching her back, slightly tucked in her left ear while she just let it loose on the right side. It complemented her face perfectly. Her eyes radiated a soft, comfortable feeling and a little bit of wisdom. A matured woman in a petite body.

I closed my mouth and form a small smile instead, not trusting my mouth if I were to utter any words.

Her lips curled upwards a little, but I saw her eyes sparkled.

"How did you know?" I asked curiously. She closed our distance and sat next to me, mirroring what I'm doing, playing with the water.

"I've gone to Jennie's parties before and never saw you there." She said while swaying her feet in the water too. "And Jennie holds a party every two weeks, so it becomes a routine for me to be here." She continued. Her gaze lingered on the small waves we created.

"A regular, I see." I followed her gaze and focused on the waves. "And yeah, it's my first time attending Jennie's party. My friends kinda dragged me here, I had no choice but to oblige." I let out a long sigh remembering how I've been forced to come here. Those stupid best friends of mine, I got fed up with them sometimes.

Then I heard a beautiful chuckle from her. "Is that so?" she asked. "Thanks to your friends, then. I have someone to talk to tonight." She removed her gaze from the waves and looked at me this time.

I smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say. A question suddenly popped in my head, feeling curious, I voiced it out,

"If you're a regular, you must've known most of the people in here then? Why did you say it, like, you never talked to them?"

"I know most of them, but I rarely talked to them." She tilted her head upwards facing the moon with longing eyes.

"Do you mind if I ask why?" I asked carefully, not wanting to overstep any boundary between us. We just met, and the last thing I wanted, was to make her uncomfortable.

"I prefer peacefulness in this exact place we sit. I'm not a people person." She confessed to me. I saw her mouth upturned slightly. You're beautiful, I thought to myself.

"What?" She looked at me questioningly.

Oh, crap, did I just blurt it out loud?

"Ah, I mean, the sky is beautiful." I scratched my nape shyly, hoping that she'll accept my excuse.

"Oh, yeah, it really is." She said briefly and averted her head to look at the waves.

Silence engulfed us after that. My mind was still racing in embarrassment because of what happened earlier. I reached for my cup and tried to drink whatever liquid I put in it earlier. I took a large gulp of it, tasting a mix of sweet, bitter and a bit of warmth down my throat. Not bad. But I had tasted something better than this.

I felt her body shifted a bit, her arms playing with the waves and her smile never leave her lips. She was enjoying herself there, I couldn't help but smile at the cuteness of the scene before me.

I sipped my drink once more and placed the cup in between us, near her cup. Just when I was about to draw my hand, at the same time, she moved her hand to reach for her cup. She accidentally brushed my hand along the way.

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