The very first time

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"I recognise you from school!"

Back in that moment,
I didn't know why those words tinted my cheeks with a scarlet hue,
I didn't know why I kept thinking all night about it,
I didn't know why those 5 words kept recurring inside my cerebral shithole like a broken record,
I didn't know why, but those words, really made me feel, happy!

But why is it such?

I really shouldn't think about it that much, for it's just an acquaintance, from my school, whom I didn't even have a well structured conversation with back in the day, then what's oh-so-exciting or fascinating about it to bring a smile on my face.

Probably nothing.

Only if human emotions could be explained with the eloquent usage of words, then life wouldn't have been so complicated, right.

But human brains busy themselves into eating shit right when they're needed the most.

What is even a brain when you need it!

And that's why smiling like an idiot is obviously the worst reaction you can ever give a girl whom you met a year or two after high school, which is definitely not going to creep her out if the sarcasm is omitted.

Seems like some human beings are more sane and considerate than the other ones, that's why feeling weird is the least they can do to not make you guilty, but guess what buttercup, you've already fucked up, and there's no going back.

Well, at least that's not the last time I met her 😊

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