2) Make up for Lost Time

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A/N hey there again I am really happy with how the other chapter turned out. my lucky ass don't have school Friday

Griffins pro (Ik I keep changing how it's spelled just go with it it's auto correct)

I fly down at full speed to the sludge villain. Using my wings to create a wind gust which knocked him off of his feet.

At that moment the pro hero's attacked.

Mt. Lady pinned him to the road. As Endeavor delivered a blow which knocked the creature out.

I slowly fly down to the ground and begin to speed walk away.
'Please don't see me please don't see me please don't see me please don't see me!' I think as I go to turn a corner before I hear.

"Griffin? Griffin is that you!?" I stop in my tracks. 'Fuck'.

"What? who-Enji?" I say trying to sound like I didn't know who it was.

"It's been a long time. Old friend...." he says as he walked forward until he's standing just a few feet away. I gulp. Cringing at the word 'old friend.'

'Is that really all I was?' I think feeling my heart clench.

'Shit this was not how my day was supposed to go.' I think. Panicking on what to say to not sound like I'm trying to get away.

"Ya! Ya..." was all that would come out.

We both just stand there. Neither one of use having the courage to break the silence. Until. Finally.

"Griffin I-"

"ENDEAVOR!" One of the other pro hero's yelled.

"Endeavor get your ass over here for clean up!" He yelled again.

"I'll be there in a second!" He yells back before turning to me. Glancing down at the little tag on my shirt that read. 'The Splendid Lilly Lounge."

"Your work there?" He asked.

"Ya." Was again the only word that would come out of my mouth as I took in all of his different features. It had been quite a few years, but he changed both a lot and not at all since high school.

He was definitely taller than before. And his features were much more mature. And he looked so professional in his hero uniform. God. It reminds me of the days when we would train together at UA.

"What time does your shift end?" He asked. Again. That was a question I didn't expect.

"Umm I don't know about 9 maybe 10ish." I say trying to gather all of my thoughts together.

"Well expect to see me before then. Now I have to go those other hero's can't do a damn thing right." He says before turning and leaving.

I just stand there taking it all in.

"God damn it..." I whisper to myself before heading by to Lilly.

~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~

"Hey Grif! What took you so- WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO YOUR SHIRT?!" I hear Sofie start to yell at me from across the building.

"You don't have to be so loud Sof." I say with a small bit on venom in my voice.

"Awe what's wrong? Little bird wake up on the wrong side of the nest?" She says while sticking her tongue out at me before poring more coffee for one of the customers.

"No it's not that." I say as I head into the back to find a new shirt. That's what I hate about my quirk. If I don't have proper clothes on for using it it rips them apart.

The shorter blonde who was wearing a waitress outfit fallows me to the back.

"No?. Then what happened?" Sofie asked as she leans on the counter. With her hand on her chin waiting for my story.

"Sigh. Ran into someone I knew from school. And now their coming here tonight before my shift ends."

"I assume you don't wanna see them?"

"It's not like I don't but...."

"But what?"

"God your a pain in the ass you know that."

"What they an EX or something?"

My cheeks flush and I can feel my heart start to beat faster.

"N-NO!" I shout before I could stop myself. 'Wait would we technically have dated when we were-.' I think to myself as my cheeks flare up.

"Oh I see now.~" she says with a smirk forming on her face. "Is it a high school crush?~" giggling to herself.

"Your an annoying shit you know that." I say tik marks forming in my forehead.

"So who's the lucky guy?" She says winking at me. She knew about be being gay but I wasn't very open about it. Girls would try and flirt with me all the time and I would just try to play it off cool and flirt back.

"I guess you'll just have to wait and see." I'm still a little pissed at her. But it's not like I'm not used to it by now.

The day went by slow. Sofie wouldn't stop bugging me. Asking who the person that was going to visit was.

I just did my job and tried to ignore her. Louis eventually came in and I helped him take care of the big group. It was now around 9:37 and everyone else had gone home there weren't any customers either. Which was somewhat rare. I was about to leave as well. When I heard a ring from the door signaling that someone had just come in.

My heart started beating faster. And I could feel the blood rushing to my face. I tried to quickly calm myself down. I was in the back room so I had a minute or two. I rush over to the mirror and try to fix up my hair.

"Wait why am I fixing my hair it's not like it's a date." I say to myself even more embarrassed than a already was.

"Hello is anyone here?" I could hear him from the lounge. 'If I don't say anything maybe he'll leave?' I think. 'No that's just rude.'

"I'll be there is a second." I yell back. Somehow finding the courage to exist the back room. I walk out and see him standing near the door. He was wearing a simple black Tee and some jeans.

He turns his head Towards me once he realizes that I entered the room.

"Hey." I say after a moment of silence that neither of could break.

"Hey." He repeats. Probably not knowing what to say. Well it has been over 20 years since we last talked. God we're old as fuck.

"So umm do you want anything to drink?" I ask as I shuffle through the glasses to get myself one.

"A beer would be great. It's been a long day." He says as he walks towards the bar and sits down at one of the stools


I'm gonna just end here for now and do the conversation next chapter it's like 7 rn and idk how or why I'm tired.....

Well I promise (maybe) I'll update soon after this


. Word count 1171

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