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(I just found a random pic of what he somewhat looks like. Idk who that is)

Name: Griffen Yagami (friends call him Grif or Bird brain)

Age: about 44 45 ish (ya Ik he's old but he graduated with Aizawa All Might and Endeavor.)

Hair color : black

Eye color : silver (his right eye turns red when he uses his quirk)

Relationship: single (not if I can help it 😉)

Personality: he's kinda cocky. But can also be calm and serious. A bit of a smart ass. Loves to show people up/be right/win bets. Chaotic good. For all you DnD people (like me). He is very skeptical of people. Does not know when to back down. Hates formality's.

Likes: birds. Sunsets. The night sky. Fire. Camping. His friends. Snakes. Animals in general. Some children are okay others aren't. A good fight. Going to the gym.

Dislikes: snotty people. Rude customers. Non loyal people. Loud noises. Bratty kids. Crying (him crying mostly). Being lied to. Being wrong/losing a bet. Formality's.

Quirk: he's quirk is called "Demon king" ya strange name but it fits...he can sprout jet black wings from his back. His right eye has sort of a soul detector. So he can see where people are and know if they are good or evil. And can control shadows. He can also "Inherit" quirks. Which means if he gets enough of one persons (needs a hell of a lot for it to be long term) DNA like blood or saliva or ever ya even sperm.... basically any body fluid. He can access their quirk. But it's better if he doesn't. Though support items can be made for him so that he can use these quirks with fewer risk and drawbacks.

Example: if he inherited an ice quirk his body would not be able to handle it and it may freeze his arm over, cause hypothermia, amputate his limb, ex.
If it was a mind ability. Such as Hitoshi's. His brain may not be able to handle it and he would start to get migraines/headaches and risk brain damage. It takes him a long while to be able to control an inherent quirk.
So he never really uses it and try's not to well eat blood..😓. (He takes a medicine so that he won't inherit quirks)

Drawbacks of his quirk: if he doesn't have the right clothes on his wings will rip apart the back of his shirt. His right eye gets swollen if he uses it on and off to much or has if on to long. His eye can also be tricked my some mind quirks. And if he overused his quirk to the max he could potentially loss all his humanity. And basically become evil. He took medicine to avoid this when he went to UA.

Family: he was in foster care as long as he can remember started living on his own once he got into UA (so around 15.)

School: umm he's 45. He went to UA hero corse.

Job: Works as a bartender/waiter at The Splendid Lilly Lounge. (Works as a sub teacher for part time but) I'll explain later in the story why he's not a pro hero.

CURRENT Friends: Louis(his boss). Sofie(coworker). Aizawa(old friends). All might(old friend). Conner(Coworker)
(I may add more to that list as I go.)

It's complicated with Enji.....

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