3) Maybe its Not so Bad....

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If I what to say right now I should have gotten this out sooner but whatever I got time to kill with everything being shut down form the corona virus 🦠

Griffin pro

I hand him his beer and got myself one as well. It's been a long time since we've even been in the same room as one another. But now that I think about it I did see him within the past 20 years.

It was at the wedding....

that I snuck into....

Without him knowing....

Why did I do that again...?

Oh right I wanted to see his wife. I did get to but. Something was off about the whole thing. She didn't look happy at all. In fact I remember her crying to her father saying how she was scared and didn't want to do this. and Enji didn't look happy either. He just looked serious like. He was taking a test. Not a lot of people were there either. It was just weird.

"So how have you been doing?" I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard his voice.

"Pretty good actually. I really like working here and I get plenty of free time off." I say with a smile. "What about you I can't imagine you have much free time at all Mr. Endeavor."

He lets out a hardy laugh. "Your correct on that. I really don't get any time off. But it's not like I don't like my job."

"Ya you worked your butt off in UA. And you were so uptight."

"I wasn't that bad was I?"

"Dude you would wake up so early in the morning just to go and train. I seriously thought you were gonna kill yourself just from that." I say laughing as I leaned my head over the counter. I really missed this. When we would just talk and talk and nothing else in the world mattered.

I see him look around the room as if he was looking for something. He then turns back to me.
"Is this the only place you work?" I was a bit taken back. It was a weird question and I was curious on how it would have popped into him head.

"No," I said "I work as a substitute teacher during the school year." That was true I really did and I loved doing it.

"Really? What school?"

"UA of course, I wouldn't want to waste all that hero training I got." I trail off slowly at the end of the sentence.

'Shit.'I think 'I shouldn't have said that.' I went to UA to become a pro hero but I ended up not becoming one. My mind flashes back to the day I decided not to. The cruel heartless words ringing in my ears that I hear ever night.

"You'll never be a hero! You'll hurt more people than you help! Just give up!"

I lost so much that day. My hope, my ambition, and even worse... I lost my best friend.

I clench my first around my glass. Wondering, waiting to see what he would say.

"T-that's good." He says a flash a gilt going threw his eyes. There's a bit of a long silence until he goes to speak again.

"Griffin I—" I don't know what He's about to say and some part of me tells me I may never know.

"Heya Griff sorry I forgot some stuff." We both turn our heads to the door.

'Oh no' I think. As I see Sofie walk through the door with a smirk on her face. What was I thinking of course she wasn't gonna go anywhere without finding out who I was meeting.

"Oh so this is who you were meet-" she stops when she sees who it is.

'Well this is gonna be interesting.' I think

"Oh my god Endeavor! You were meeting with Endeavor and you didn't tell me!" She yells at me.

Enji leans towards me and whispers.

"Friend of yours?"

"Ya. Just ack cool."

Sofie ended up calming down pretty fast and I introduced her to Enji. And Enji to sofie. Telling her about how we went to school together and he was a old friend of mine. She was shocked. We were close but I had never really sat down and told her that I went to school with what were now a bunch of top notch pro hero's.

"Well it's very nice to meet you Mr. Todoroki." She said very happily.

"The pleasure is all mine Ms. Potter."

"So I have to ask. What was Griff over here like in high school? He never talks about it with any of us and it's so annoying."

He lets out a laugh at her question.

"Well he was a handful to say the least. Always going to far with something whether it be a dare or with training." Again a flash of guilt. I wonder what part he feels guilty about. Is it because he knows what his words did to me now. I mean if anything I'm less effected then I was in high school. Maybe it's something else.

"Or really?" I say "well you weren't to easy going either there mister hell fire."

We continued to talk and answer Sofie's question for quite some time. The memories that it brought back where some of the best and the worst. Eventually though all good things come to an end and this one question just had to be mentioned....

"So why didn't you become a pro Hero Griff? I know you got all the Education for it. And that you have a amazing quirk for it. But I've never asked. What made you quit?" She hit the nail on the head.

The room goes silent...

Endeavor turns his head away for the two of us not looking at us. Appearing to search the ground by the door for something or someone intently.

Sofie realizes her mistake. Going silent as well. Knowing that she stepped foot on a piece of land that was not meant to be treaded on.

"I'm sorry I didn't know it was a sensitive topi-"

"No it's fine" I interrupt her apology. With a stern voice. One that was not my normal one.

"I'll be going" Enji says as he gets up from his seat grabbing his jacket and heading for the door. Not once looking at me. Or Sofie. Just ignoring that he ever wanted to talk to me.

"Why did you have to ask"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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