A new problem

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Ree walked Barbie to class, with her hand in one, and his plunger in the other in case someone would attempt to attack. "Uncle Ree?" Barbie asked. "Why do you remind me so much of Batman?" Ree just laughed. "Your thinking more of Erica." Barbie smiled. "Yeah, your probably right." Finally they arrived to her first class for the day. "Alright kiddo, behave and if that Melvin kid gives u a hard time let me know, okay?" Barbie nodded. "Okay." Ree placed a gentle goodbye kiss on her head. Barbie went into class with the sweetest smile. Mr. Ree hot up and was about to walk back to what he was doing when he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He collapsed on the floor, clenching his chest. "What's going on?" He thought. Then a familer cackle rang in the hallway. "Y-you." He groaned in pain as his vision began to fade. "Go to sleep ree." The stranger covered rees eyes as he lost conscious.


"Wakey wakey Ree." Ree struggled to open his eyes his hands bind behind his back. Finally his vision ceased up and there standing in front of him was splotch. "You!" He struggled unable to escape. "We meet again old freind." He said lifting Rees chin up with his finger. "I already told you. I don't want to be a part of your plan anymore!" He yelled. Splotch just stared at him. "Fair enough. But there is a cost for if you dont." Ree just glared at him. "What?" Sploch just grinned. "If you don't join me then I'll just have to control your niece instead." Ree gasped. "No! Please I'll do anything just don't hurt her." He yelled as tears streamed from his eyes. "Now now ree...puppets aren't supposed to cry."  Splotch then just left him there and the poor man just sobbed whimpering. "....I'm sorry."

(Writter tries not to cry)
(Stay tuned)

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