Secrets revealed

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Meanwhile with Barbie she was sitting at lunch with George and Harold with worry in her head. Harold noticed the fear in Barbies eyes barley touching her leftovers. "You okay, Barbie?" He asked holding her hand. Barbie looked up at him feeling a bit shaky. "Y-yeah." George and Harold knew she would be lying so they asked her a few times again before she finally spat it out. "NO IM NOT!!" She cried tears streaming from her face. "Hey hey hey don't cry." George soothed as him and Harold started hugging her. Barbie hugged back feeling more tears in her eyes. "Ssshhh, it's okay. Just tell us, what's wrong? We want to help you." Harold said. Barbie finally calmed down, wiping away her tears. "I always worry about my uncle ree. I know he's  old enough to look after himself." In the middle of her sentence she let out a little laugh. "I'm starting to sound like a mother. Anyway I don't wanna lose again...not like last time." George and Harold knew what was up. "You mean the Splotch?" George asked. Barbies eyes widend when she heard that name. "That thing...that jerk....that MONSTER!!!" She clenched her fist, punching it onto the table when she said that. "HE RUNED EVERYTHING!!! IF THAT THING HURTS MY UNCLE AGAIN I WILL DESTROY IT FOR GOOD!!!!!" The boys were shocked to see her this angry. Harold imminently stepped in. "Barbie calm down. Look how about we go check on him during recces and see if he's okay?" Barbie had finally calmed down when she heard Harolds suggestion. "Ok." She said softly.

After lunch the boys took her to Rees secret underground cave, they knew they would miss reeces but they had to make her better somehow. "Okay it's just in the boys bathroom." George explained. At first Barbie thought it was worth, but she wanted to see her uncle some how so she just walked straight in. "Now wheres the button? Oh found it!" Harold said pressing it. "Wait doesnt the floor-" But before Barbie could finish her sentence the three of them fell through the trap door.

Soon the three landed and opened the door. "Okay note to self be prepared before letting the floor eat you." Barbie said, her head spinning. "Now to find Mr. Ree." The three stepped out the door way as they headed inside. "Mr. Ree? Mr.ree! Are you down here?" George called out. Surprisingly something responded it kinda sounded like they were in pain so they followed it. In an instant they had found the source. They had found Ree bound to a pipe, covered in bruises. George and Harold were shocked with their hands over their mouths. "Uncle ree..." Barbie just ran over to him. "B-Barbie?" He choked out. "Who did this to you?" She asked as she and the boys started to untie him. "You kids need to get out of here. He'll come for you if you dont." The three of them were confused. "What are you talking about?" Harold asked. "He's" Ree collapsed vision getting blurry again. "No!" Barbie held Ree in her arms. "Come on stay with Me. I can't lose you again." Barbie cries turned to sobs as she pressed her face against Ree's. "Well, well, what have we here?" The splotch asked as he appeared from the shadows. "You...what have you done to my uncle?!!" Barbie yelled. "I tried convince you uncle to join forces with me once more." Ree managed to gain conscious. "I only did because you tried to harm my niece-ahhh!!!" He screamed in pain. "Shhh, it's okay I'm here." Barbie soothed. "Oh please the only good you did for him is being a brat." The splotch insulted. Barbie grew furious gently laying Ree on the floor. "The only one that's a brat here is YOU!!!!" She screamed as he eyes glew dark pink. George and Harold were incredibly shocked by this. "I WONT LET YOU HURT HIM AGAIN!!!" She yelled as she punched splotch in the face. And the final battle had begun.

(That was longer then I thought)
(Stay tuned)

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