December 20th, 1984

488 18 11

Warning: Physical abuse, racist and homophobic slurs, getting back at an abuser

Steve and Billy hung out more like they did at the theatre. Not every hangout ended in sex. Sometimes they'd rent a movie and watch it at Steve's house, sometimes Billy would show him new tricks on the court. They were honestly friends when sex wasn't involved, and Billy liked it. But when sex was involved, it was fucking good. Steve may have not been experienced in gay sex, yet Billy knew he wouldn't have been able to tell if Steve hadn't told him. He was a fast learner.

Billy wouldn't admit it out loud, but he was starting to like Steve. Not just in a sexual way... it was actual romantic feelings. He wasn't used to that. Usually he'd keep his lays at arm's length so that his heart wouldn't be shattered over and over. Yet there was something about Steve that made him want to lower his defenses.

Soon the holidays were coming up and Billy knew he'd have to be at home a bit more because Christmas Break started, but he'd survive. Neil hadn't been reprimanding him as much, and Susan had started decorating. Things would probably be okay.

Or so he thought.

After the break had just started, Billy came home from the movies and saw a bike parked next to the front door. No one in the house owned a bike, and he saw Neil and Susan at the nearby grocery loading the trunk on his way back.

"Fuck." Billy breathed as he got out of the car.

He rushed to the door and unlocked it. As soon as he got inside, he saw Max and that fucking Sinclair kid watching TV on the couch. Both of their eyes widened when they saw Billy.

"What the fuck are you doing, Max!?" Billy snapped. "Why is he here?"

"He's allowed to be here!" Max snapped back. "Stop trying to control-!"

"What have I told you about hanging out-!?"

Billy was stopped by the sound of Neil's car pulling in and parking in the driveway. His heart started to race as he acted quickly. He grabbed both of the kids by their shoulders and pushed them into his bedroom.

"What are you doing?" Sinclair asked, and Billy shushed him.

"Whose bike is that?" Neil's voice angrily asked. "Is she seeing that boy again!?"

"Shit." Billy said as he shut his bedroom door then rushed over and opened the window. "Get out, run as fast as you can to the diner then somewhere he wouldn't expect."

"What about you?" Max asked.

"Someone has to distract him long enough for you to get away. Now go!"

Max looked unsure, but the Sinclair kid was able to get them both out of the window and they ran. Billy knew he was in for a beating, Neil would be extremely pissed off because of Max hanging out with a black kid. But he had been protecting Max since California when this whole shit-show started, he was damned if he wasn't going to keep doing it today.

"Maxine." Neil called out.

Billy took a deep breath and opened his bedroom door. As expected, Neil looked angry and even shoved Billy aside to look into his room. Billy didn't let himself react, just let Neil look around, all the while Susan seemed to just ignore it and went to the kitchen to put groceries away. Neil stopped when he saw the open window, and Billy's heart sunk.


"You helped her get out?" Neil asked calmly as he turned around.

Billy didn't answer, just stood there and let the silence speak for itself. Neil shook his head as if he was disappointed.

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