i miss you

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Riley's POV:

I glanced up at the clock on the auditorium wall.Thank the lord, I only had 5 minutes left. I looked up at the lecturer, trying to take in what he was saying, but I just couldn't. It was nearly 5pm on a Friday and all I wanted was to be at home. Don't get me wrong, I was really enjoying business school, but right now I just wanted to be... well, anywhere else. I sat there for a few more minutes trying now to madly take notes and get down everything from the class, before I heard a bell ring loudly. Finally! I quickly gathered up my notes, pens and laptop bag and moved speedily out of the room. All I really wanted to get home and try to de-stress. I was so exhausted by all of this work, and I was feeling a lot more anxious and on edge than usual. Preoccupied with many thoughts, I almost didn't hear someone calling my name. I looked over and saw a couple of my classmates calling out to me. As much was I wanted to leave, I couldn't really ignore them. I walked over to them and starting chatting about our new assignment. It turns out they only wanted to ask a question, so I answered and then found an excuse to leave. I briskly walked into the carpark and tried to remember where I'd parked my car. Oh right, over there. I grabbed my keys and opened the door, before sitting down and sighing. I slowly massaged my temples and looked outside at the darkening sky. I'd better get home soon, I HATE driving in the dark. I turned on my phone and connected it to my speakers. A random song came blasting out, but I turned it down and began to drive.

I was really close to home, and my thoughts started drifting. I had so much work that I had to do and so many other things to catch up on, but I really didn't feel like doing anything. All I wanted was a quiet night at home... with James. James. I feel like I hadn't seen him in forever. Yes, we live together, but neither of us are really around anymore. I'm always at school, and then I get home and do my assignments and other work around the house before collapsing into bed. James was always so busy with his band, and gets home really late at night and sleeps in all morning. I really miss him and I prayed that he would be at home. I pulled up into the driveway and headed inside. He was nowhere in sight. I sighed and looked down at my feet. Ouch, they were sore in these shoes. I sighed once again and decide that there was no point trying to get anything done tonight. I trudged up the stairs to my bedroom and quickly got changed into my warm pyjamas. I didn't really feel like eating any dinner, so I just got into bed and put on some Netflix on my laptop.

James POV
I pulled my car into the driveway and hopped out. Finally, I was home. It had been a long day, and I had just been at my Mum's house to visit my parents and sisters. I felt like I hadn't seen them in forever. I unlocked the front door and sat down on the couch. I stretched out my back before kicking my feet up. I had to leave again in like 30 minutes for band practise, which I was quite excited for, even if I was quite exhausted. I was just about to turn the TV on when I heard a soft noise coming from upstairs. Feeling curious, I stood up and went to see what it was. It seemed to be coming from my bedroom. I opened the door slowly and saw Riles fast asleep with her laptop on her lap, piled under a stack of blankets. She looks like such an angel when she's asleep. I walked over to her, with a smile on my face. I sat my phone down on the bedside table and proceeded to turn off her laptop. I pressed a few soft kisses onto her forehead as I stroked her cheek. Her eyes fluttered and opened.
"James," she whispered in a sleepy voice.
"What's up Riles?" I smiled at her.
"Mmm, not much," she yawned.
"Well, I-" I began, before an alarm went off. I checked my phone.
"I'm so sorry sweetheart, I have to go to band practise," I whispered to her.
"O-oh, okay then," she whispered back. I lightly kissed her cheek and ran out of the room.

Riley's POV
I watched James run out of our bedroom and down the stairs. I don't know why, but I started crying. I missed him so much, and I just hoped that he would stay home for once. The tears got worse, and I started thinking more. 'What if he is purposely ignoring me?' No, he wouldn't do that. But, those little kisses just then had been some of the only physical contact we'd had in the last week or so. I closed my eyes, trying to get rid of the tears, but they kept on falling.

James POV
Just as I was pulling out of the driveway, I realised that I had forgotten my phone. I quickly got out of the car and headed back inside. I quickly dashed up the stairs and opened the bedroom door. Riley was tucked further into the blankets now, and it looked like she was... crying? I quickly walked over to her.

"Ri, what's wrong," I asked gently.
She looked a bit startled as if she hadn't noticed me. Her hand quickly moved to wipe away the tears from her cheeks.
"Wha-what... nothings wrong, I'm fine," she stuttered.
"Baby, don't try and lie to me. Something's definitely wrong. You can tell me anything," I smiled at her as I put my hand on her cheek. She started crying again.

"Oh Riles," I whispered leaning down, "Whats wrong?"
"Well, I... just feel, like..." she hiccuped through her tears, " I haven't seen you in what feels like forever... and I don't know, I just guess that you didn't want to spend time with me. I just miss you... like a lot."

My heart broke a little. I had no idea Riley was feeling like this.
"Riley, I am so sorry. I love you with all my heart and I will never stop loving you. We have both been so busy lately and haven't had the time to really see each other, but that doesn't mean I love you any less," I told her. A small smile appeared on her face. I chuckled and kissed her for a few seconds before resting my nose on hers. My phone then began to ring and I sighed. I picked it up and saw Luke was calling me. I answered it and held it to my ear.
"James, are you coming to band practise today?" He asked.
I looked down at Riley as she stared curiously at me. I knew what I was going to do.
"Ahh look, sorry I forgot to let you know. I haven't been feeling that well today and thought I'd give it a miss?"
"Oh... that's alright man, we were just gonna listen to some old tracks and demos anyway,"he told me.
"Ok man, thanks. See ya," I said.
"Bye," he replied as I turned off the phone.

"Who was that," Riley asked softly, looking at me.
"It was um Luke," I replied, "he was just wondering if I was going to band practise today. I said no."
"What?" She asked
"I said, I'm not going to band practise. You're right. We've hardly seen each other and I miss you too... like a lot." I smiled.
I walked around to my side of the bed and quickly hopped underneath the covers. I wrapped my arms tightly around Riley as she repeated the action and cuddled into my torso. I didn't really feel like sleeping, but I was going to stay here until Riles was better.
"Riles," I whispered.
"Mhmmm," she mumbled into my chest.
"Promise me that you will alway tell me whenever something is wrong, okay?" I asked, "is there anything that you want to talk about?"
"Ok, I promise," she said softly, "I don't think there's much, I just feel really tired and stressed from all this school work."
"Mhmmm ok," I whispered, "you're going to get some sleep and tomorrow I will help you with anything you need."
"Why would I get you to help me, you barley know what 2+5 equals," she giggled.
"Fine then, don't say I didn't offer," I replied smugly, pushing her away from me gently.
"Hey, I was only joking. You really are the best boyfriend ever. I love you," she smiled.
"I know I am and I know you do," I teased.
"Hey!" She shrieked and turned away from me.
"Come on," I laughed, "you know that I love you too." I kissed her head a few times before she turned back around to face me. She just smiled at me.
"Ok now Riles, you need to get some sleep, you look exhausted," I told her gently.
"Ok... can you stay with me?" She asked sweetly and looked into my eyes. As if I could say no to that.
"Of course Riley, just get some rest," I whispered. I quickly got up to turn the lights off before getting back into bed and snuggling up with her.

I wrote this ages ago and never posted it, so here it is 😂💘

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