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Riley's POV

I sighed deeply to myself, letting my hands relax on the steering wheel. It had been another long day at the studio and I couldn't wait to go home and relax. Maybe just sit on the couch and do nothing... yeah fat chance, I thought to myself slightly annoyed. We had no food, the house was a mess and I had to catch up on sooooo much paperwork. Not to mention choreographing that new routine with James... but that was unlikely to happen. He has hardly even been talking to me! I always have to leave for the studio so early in the morning, and he always has band practise to some ridiculous hour and by the time he's back, I'm fast asleep and completely exhausted.

I guess that's why we've been fighting. We neve have time to see each other anymore because of our insane schedules. We both get so tired and then argue over silly little things: like if one of us forgets to feed Abby (our dog), or if James is a slob and just leaves things everywhere for me to pick up, or no one does the dishes. It's horrible because I know that both of us don't want to be fighting, and we just want everything to be like it was before everything was so crazy. I tried to relax into my seat, but it felt like a stone wall, despite it being quality Italian leather. I adjusted my position and continued the drive home.

James's POV

One...more...bag, I told myself. My arms and legs felt as if they were going to drop off. I unloaded the milk, bread, fruit, chocolate (mine), and ice cream (Riley's) into their rightful places. I heaved a massive sigh and took a few steps out of the kitchen towards the lounge, and plunged onto the sofa. I glanced around me, slightly impressed at my work. The house no longer resembled a bomb scene, instead it looked like it did that first day we'd moved in.

How does she do it, I thought to myself. My body was absolutely aching, I don't think I'd ever done more than vacuum my room before! Now I'd totally cleaned our house from top to bottom, gone grocery shopping and gotten information on dance conventions for Ri. How did she manage all of this, I wondered again. I had my very own Wonder Woman, who I would never take for granted again.

After lying on the couch for 10 more minutes, I finally had enough energy to get up and go downstairs. Before going, I quickly scribbled a note and left it sitting face down on Ri's laptop.

As I stretched, I wondered if Riley felt as terrible as I did. I missed her so much, and prayed she would be willing to forgive me for being a jerk. I turned in the music and began to create. I really wanted this dance to be perfect, for my perfect girl.

Riley's POV

I turned onto the familiar stretch of road just before my street and drove along calmly. I pulled up into the driveway, behind James's old van. He was home already, obviously. Although I was still incredibly mad at him and not to mention frustrated, I silently hoped he would want to make up as badly as I did. We had hardly had much contact for over a week now, and my heart ached for even just a little cuddle.

As I approached the front door, I took a deep breath in and counted to five, then let it out slowly. I promised myself that I wouldn't get worked up or yell, and that I would fix things. I would stay completely calm and just clean up, then do my work. I nodded as I opened the front door and then closed it behind me, stepping into our small hallway. I looked in front of me at the mess on the... wait. It was spotless. And I could tell it had been recently vacuumed. I blinked and walked out into the living area. The entire house was spotless. I went to the kitchen and dumped my bags on the bench. I could see food in the cupboards. My heart began to beat faster and I smiled to myself. I looked down at my hands, and at my ring. Then I remembered back to this morning. I was still mad at James, but he had won me over a little bit.

Speaking of Jay, where was he? I strained my ears, eventually hearing the soft noise of music playing downstairs. I ran a hand through my hair, messing it up slightly. I made my way to the basement door, which led to our mini rehearsal room and band room. I slowly walked down the steps, feeling the soft carpet beneath my feet. Once at the bottom, I looked into the room as I rested my head on the doorframe. He looked so In his element, and I just stood there, looking at him. He was so handsome, and I felt my heart rate pick up a little. I still was a bit tense and not too sure how he would react when he saw me.

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