Chapter 1

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Haruka POV

It's been ten years since I adopted (y/n), I never told him that he's adopted, but what he doesn't know wont hurt him or at least that's how I feel about it. Sadly I had to put him into a deep freeze at least that was until I could come up with a stronger inoculation for the apocalypse virus he developed, it was a rare strain of the virus that was highly resistant to the regular inoculations. All this happened when he turned three, "But now I finally get to be reunited with my precious baby once again." I said as I entered the code freeing (y/n) from his deep freeze, after a few minutes he was finally back. I brought him back slowly so that I could minimize the risk of brain and nerve damage, "M-Mama." (y/n) said as he shivered violently, "Hi sweetie did you sleep well?" I asked as I wrapped him up in a blanket, "H-Hurts." He said, " I know honey, but do you think that you can handle a little shot for Mama? I made this medicine special just for you." I said, he nodded and held out his arm for me, "Ok sweetie this will only hurt for a second." I said as I injected him with his new inoculation, a few seconds later his cancer crystals fell off and turned to dust as they fell, "I did it! I saved my baby's life!" I said happily as I hugged him, "Let's get you warmed up." I said as I picked him up, "Love Mama." He said, "I love you too honey." I said as I kissed his forehead.


Mama explained to me what all happened in the seven years I had been asleep, "So sweetie what did you dream about while you were asleep?" Mama asked, "Sissy!" I said happily, "Sissy?" She said, "SISSY MANA!" I said happily, "Mana!" She said in shock, "Tell you what sweetie how about we get some dinner." She said, "OK!" I said happily.

"SHU BABY!" Mama said as she walked into the apartment and took off her work clothes in the hall, "HARUKA I-I CAN EXPLAIN!" Shu said, "Would you like some dinner, we can have pizza, pizza, or pizza oh and cake that's happening. Shu honey could you go pick that up for us." Mama said as I walked into the living room, "Hey there (y/n). It's good to have you back." Shu said as he ruffled my hair.

"Bye you two!" Mama said as she waved goodbye to Shu and Inori, "Well last night was fun wasn't it sweetie." Mama said as I ate my breakfast, "I'm not really home as much as I'd like, and I couldn't ask Shu to take you to and from daycare so I guess you'll just have to come with me to work from now on. I was gonna have to bring you back eventually to run a few tests so this just works." She said.

The Crown of Innocence (Male child reader X mother Haruka Ouma)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora