The first step could be the end.

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It didnt take long for Evelyn to work out that making friends wasn’t her strong point. From day one, She had been alone. Her dad told her she was unique, When she was 9 he had tucked her into bed and left. He didn't look back and he had never been forgiven. However the role of “Father” Had been taken up by her mothers new partner, Jake. He appeared in her mothers life a few years later, when they moved for a fresh start and never left. Evelyn, or “Eve” to the people around her, looked like any other 14 year old. Nothing special. At a mere 5'1, she was curvy but not fat. Her hair fell to just past her shoulders, A bright ginger mass, Naturally curly but not frizzy. Her eyes a Bright Green in the sun and a dark green most other times. She had a natural beauty but as I said, Nothing special.

6 am. Eve sighed rolling onto her front, her face buried into her pillow. The alarm on her phone buzzing, over and over. A warning of the day to come. Another 8 hours of school, with no friends. Her main goal, Remaining invisible, Was a hard goal to accomplish. The thought of facing them all made her stomach flip and her heart race a little faster than usual. Tears pricked her eyes but she blinked them back finally pulling herself into a sitting position and swinging her feet down onto the freezing cold floor. As usual her mother had her uniform set out on the dresser as if forcing her to go to school. Eve sighed stretching a little and headed for the bathroom. A small, Box of a room that housed a little shower, a sink and a toilet. The walls were a boring blue with the odd dark blue tile breaking up the other wise plain sight.

Today would be no different. Eve turnt the shower onto 5. Just about the hottest bearable temperature. The hot water, washed over her. After a quick hair wash and rinse, Eve stepped out onto the mat and pulled a huge towel around her tucking it in like a dress. “Ok..” She thought to herself as she stared into the mirror. “Plan for today. Walk to school. Survive until lunch. Survive until home time. Walk home. Hide” The usual list.

Stepping out of her bedroom and shutting the door, She walked towards the stairs taking them slowly. Trying to delay the day and maybe sneak out unnoticed. “Evie” The one person allowed.. no.. who can get away with calling her that name. Her mother smiled as she entered the kitchen “Toast?” She nodded and sat down. Unable to say no – Last time she turned it down she had to answer 20 questions and caused a fight resulting in a week of silence from both parties and one very confused step dad. “Evie” her mum looked over at her and sighed gently “Baby, Are you ok?” she asked taking her hand and squeezing it to which eve pulled away “Fine.” “I wish you would talk to me.. Anything” “Mum … god ..” she mumbles standing and grabbing a slice of toast heading for the door “I love you evie!” she called after her “Yeah... you too” as the door shut. Jake was, as usual getting ready to leave for work. His car had been playing up so he had to take her mums. The Volkswagen camper which although very sought after, Did nothing for his lawyer image. The bright pink didn’t help either. “Morning” he smiled from the driver side window “Want a lift?” he offered as usual. “No thanks” she smiled back gently. “Hows school going?” he wondered watching her passing “fine, fine” the reply, short and sharp.

The walk to school was often more enjoyable than the day itself. It took her through a small park that held a little pond – not big enough to be a lake – Although the people of langston (the town) have protested it on several occasions, It then dives down a couple of roads, over a very high bridge and over a railway track. Often thoughts of lying in wait of a train had crossed her mind. Pushing them aside as she clambered quickly across the track, The sight of school stopped her in her tracks. Not as such the building. It was a huge, Grey tired looking worn out old hospital from the war that had, obviously, ended a while ago. It was infact the tall, Skinny group of 5 or 6 girls and guys huddled and laughing outside trying to hide the fact that they were so insecure by bullying anything that breathed in the surrounding area. Or so evie figured. They usually waited there. After the first year or so of fighting against their biting remarks she now just tried to ignore them.

The truth about life, Love and depression in the life of Evelyn May Rose.Where stories live. Discover now