A call deep in the night

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(A bit about Dylan) He lives alone. Only 17 but his parents travel for work and dont really care for him. He is protective and has a secret. An ability. Powers. He has to keep hidden from the words. From other people.

Walking up to the front door Dylan sighs and swings it open. What a day. Letting the door swing shut he sinks to the floor, back against the door and stares at the opposite wall – Thinking? A few minutes pass and he stands heading to the kitchen. Something easy today. Soup and bread I suppose. Turning on the television and putting the soup on the stove he thinks about what he has seen and waits for it to boil. Dylan walks over to the stove and pours the now boiling soup into a bowl before putting the saucepan into the sink for the cleaner. His parents insist he has a cleaner so that they can look like the perfect parents to the outside world. But he knows better. The best place to sit in his apartment is technically not in the apartment. Being the rooftop apartment he has a balcony (and fire escape) and rooftop garden that overlooks most of the city. A small city but beautiful both at night and in the day time. He exits the back door and takes a seat at his patio set taking in the view. It never gets old. Taking his phone from his pocket and placing it on the table he takes a deep breathe

A thousand questions flood his mind – Why did she do that? Is she OK now? What’s happened to make her like that? What’s wrong? - He had to push them aside – the thoughts and questions. They would eat away at hi and drive him crazy if he didn’t. Usually he didn’t care about people but this girl was different. Magical even? He laughed “Your being crazy dylan, noone else has powers … do they?”

“Bed before you over think!” he mumbled standing and walking inside locking the door and climbing into bed. Nothing would switch off – His mind raced and every time he closed his eyes they protested. He pulls up his blanket and hugs up to his pillow a little more. He raises his hand a points his palm up towards the ceiling. “Shine” he whispers then watches as a ball of light floats out of his palm and hovers up in the centre of the ceiling. Just enough to light up the room but not too bright “Shine Out” and the room falls into darkness again “Shine” “Shine out” “shine” “Shine out” “Shine” “Shine out” This had become a ritual for when he couldn’t sleep. Magic I mean. He didn’t use it for anything major. Just to make things more interesting or when he needed to save someone. Don’t get me wrong. He wasn’t a hero at all. He was just a guy born into the wrong family. Who happened to be in the wrong place at the right time. All the time. Never before had he brought anyone back here. To his apartment though. That was the new part! Why did he do that? 11Pm, 12am 1am Still nothing. No sleep. Silence filled the room like an annoying buzzing noise and then, out of the blue, his mobile started to ring.

Ring, Ring

“Hello?” He answered cautiously

“Hi....” Came the almost silent reply

“Who is this?”

“.... I shouldn’t be calling you..”

“ Evelyn? Is that you?” Confusion filled his brain, Unable to process the time


“ Are you ok?” He didn’t know what else to say

“I just wanted to thank you, Yes that’s it, Thank you” and with that she hung up.

Dylan sat back on his bed, Placing his phone on the covers and staring down at it. “Thankyou?” he repeated a few times, his face scrunched up in confusion and concentration

Eventually exhaustion took over and everything went to a blissful darkness for a few moments before a dream took over.

The truth about life, Love and depression in the life of Evelyn May Rose.Where stories live. Discover now