The mystery man

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Evelyn felt a sudden jerk, A pair of arms wrapped rapidly around her waist swinging her away from the tracks and throwing her to the floor followed by a person landing on her back and pinning her hard to the floor. The rain now pouring making the mud under foot slippery, coating her as she lie in it. No fight in her. Nothing left she lie flat in the mud – adrenaline pumping, Not sure who had her pinned panic took hold but there was no way of escaping. The minute or so it took for the train to pass. Completely gone seemed like hours from the floor. The wheels flying past her, an old teddy in the tracks, watching. Judging? Did they judge? Bears? Watching the end of the train disappear around the side of a big building, Eve, Curled up into a ball as the pressure from above let go and she heard someone fall to the ground beside her. “What the fuck?” Came a deep voice. Evelyn squeezed her eyes shut and just sobbed into the ground. The bell went for lunch. The school would soon be emptying into the front and this was not a good place to be seen, almost on the tracks. “Come on” he mumbled climbing to his feet and pulling her up into his arms. She didn’t open her eyes. Didnt reply. Just let him pick her up. No attempt to fight. Maybe this was the end? Maybe he would kidnap and kill her. There was no way of telling where they were heading and at the same time uncaring. The next few hours passed in a blur as she drifted off. Exhausted from the sudden adrenaline rush and close call.

She awoke on a bed. In a strange room. Wiping her eyes, Head pounding she tentatively placed a hand where her face smacked the floor and winced, tears springing in her eyes again as she felt the dried blood and remembered what had happened with the train. Who was that guy?

Pulling herself up into a half sitting half lying position she glances up towards the door, then the window. Its a big room. An expensive room by the looks of it. Footsteps echoed from further down what she guessed was a corridor, Gentle. One at a time as they grew closer and closer to the door. The handle twisting slowly and the door swinging open to reveal Boy. Young. Around 17. 5'4 at a guess, Black hair spiked and styled with deep grey eyes. He wore black skinny jeans, A t-shirt with a band logo printed on the front, a leather jacket and converses. He smiled a little but his face mostly shone with concern for the girl before him.

“Hey” he tried to smile but didn’t succeed that well as he went and sat in a chair in what appeared to be a book corner. All organised and ordered from big to small. Evelyn looked up at him, A tear ran down her cheek which she wiped with a sleeve and nodded sheepishly. A silence followed. A few minutes passed and The boy leaned back a little. Seeming to have seen enough.

He stands and walks to he end of the bed and back, Pacing slowly. “So.. “ he mumbles looking over at her again and leaning against the wall “want to tell me what the fuck happened back there? Do you even know?!” Was all he could clearly think of for the moment. She had slept for hours and he had sat in the kitchen staring at the clock. A thousand thoughts ran through his head. Eve shook her head and looked down

“Ok.. Something simpler.. Do you have a name?”

“Evelyn.. Eve” she mumbled not looking up still and gently rubbing her hands together.

“Thats a start.. Im Dylan” he smiled a little surprised at how sweet her voice actually was “I kidnapped you from what I can assume was your school” he chuckled and ran a hand through his hair

“Where am I?” she wonders aloud finally looking him in the eye and biting her lip a little.

Dylan considers her for a moment and sits again “Your in my apartment.. In charlton. The town next to yours. Its close, Like a 20 minute drive. Do you remember today?”

“No.. I dont..” She admitted “Well I remember the train...”

Dylan nodded and then seemingly plucked up some more courage“About that.. Why did you do it? You could have died..” he replies almost instantly shuddering at the thought of the end

“I know.. that was my end goal.. but I didnt count on being saved” She replies gently looking up finally “But it doesnt matter, Nothing does, You should have left me!” she adds climbing out of bed and pulling on her jacket he must have out in the other chair when she slept

Dylan stood “where are you going??” he quizzed, a little flustered

“Home? I suppose..” She snaps back clenches a fist as her face hurts in waves of pain

He nodded and picked up his keys “Im taking you – I cant risk that again!”

“I dont need help”

“Its not up for discussion..”


“No..” He interrupted “Im not silly. You need help! And whether you want it or not, Im going to try!” he adds before Eve can think of a response “Oh and I will be telling your parents”

“NO NO YOU WONT” She tried to shout but it comes out as a whisper, Pure horror clenching at her chest and vocal cords “Please..” is all she can manage.

“I dont know.. You need help” he mumbles. Silence.

Dylan sighs opening the door and letting her through. She presses the button for the lift and waits patiently as Dylan locks the apartment and joins her stepping into the lift as the door slides open and closes.

The car, An old beat up ford, supposedly black at one time but that was long ago as now it looked a faded blue – like a bruise. Reaching for the handle he swung the door open and ushered her into the passenger seat before shutting it and heading around to the other door. He climbed in and leant back looking at her “Evelyn.. Why did you try to.. Why would you do that?” he asked again but only got silence in response. The drive would have been quicker but he drove slowly. Trying to bide his time. Get some more information about her but nothing. “Listen to me..” he say suddenly as they near her street he pulls over and turns to look at her

“Look at me..” Nothing. “Look at me!” he repeats louder this time waiting impatiently. She jumps and looks at him, A little startled.

“You need to talk to someone. Anyone” He pleads with her

“I dont need anything from anyone!” she replies opening the door, He takes her arm “Here.. at least take my number!” he snaps whilst pushing a card into her hand. She nods and pulls free. Then backs away “Dont expect a call” before slamming the car door and running in the general direction of her house.  

The truth about life, Love and depression in the life of Evelyn May Rose.Where stories live. Discover now